Donor 6919 has warm ivory skin that pairs beautifully with his brilliant blue eyes and blond hair. He keeps his hair neatly trimmed, with a beard trimmed short. He sports a casual yet hip attire which pairs well with his energetic personality. He is positive and enthusiastic, making him a delight to be around.
Donor 6919 adores his family. The love he has for his son shows through the way he speaks about him. He loves spending time with his family either at home, out on a camping trip or traveling. He enjoys playing the piano and reading when he has time. In addition to his bubbly, happy personality he is a relatively calm, well-tempered individual. He is an incredibly hard worker having earned two promotions in one month at his job. He admires honesty and responsibility and represents these qualities daily. Overall, he is a charming, happy, outgoing donor who lives his life to the fullest with no regrets.
To learn more about this donor's personality, see his Personality Test results.
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