Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?The most memorable part of my childhood was my involvement in soccer. I played every day when I was young. Wherever I was, there was bound to be a soccer ball nearby. Leagues, tournaments, and pick-up games were my life. My family was always very encouraging and would attend all of my games. It was amazing having the love and support behind me for every competition. Knowing they were watching drove me to play the best I could.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?Though both of my parents have had a profound influence on who I am now, I would have to say I most closely identify with my dad. He's always been a positive male role model in my life. He's struggled and held down jobs that he wasn't necessarily happy with because they paid the bills. His constant support and confidence in me has driven me to succeed. I want to be as hard working and dependable as him someday.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?The three traits I admire most are honesty, bravery, and perseverance. Honesty is important because all relationships are built on trust. Without honesty and trust, I think it's impossible to build true connections with people. I respect people who are brave because they are the ones who take action. To be an effective leader and to make a difference, bravery is key, in my mind. You must show people what is right by taking the lead, no matter how scary or uncertain it is. Perseverance is also extremely important to me because it is easy to give up or give in, but giving it your all and fighting for every step is the trait of someone who will go far in this world. It may not be easy, but taking that step forward, even when it seems impossible, is extremely admirable in my eyes. It's not success or failure, it's the fact that you truly gave it your all that matters to me.
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?I should preface this by saying that when I grow my hair out, I'm often told I look like Andy Samberg. During my one of my college years, my friends and I would often play pick up soccer games. One day, a guy came over and asked if he could play with us. We happily welcomed him and were kicking the ball around. It was obvious the guy was very nice, but a little odd. He would jump from one topic to the next with no transition. One moment we're talking about how fun it is to play soccer, the next it's the weather, then a movie, then his car, and so on. At one point he says, "Hey! You know that thing on Facebook where you put up a picture of a person you look like? You know who you should use a picture of? Andy Samberg!" I laughed and yelled to one of my friends who was about 20 yards away from us, "Did you hear what he just said?" At this moment the guy started to panic and exclaimed "I meant it as a compliment! He's a handsome guy and so are you! I didn't mean any offense! I'm so sorry!!!" I turned and looked at him and the fear on his face was evident. Upon reflection I could see why he was panicking. The way I turned and yelled to my friend could be seen as me taking offense to his observation. I laughed and told him I took no offense to it, but rather, I wanted to show him something. I asked my buddy, "Who does everyone say I look like?" "Andy Samberg" was the reply. We all had a good laugh about it afterward. My friends and I still joke about it to this day. "No Dude, we're not going to jump you because you said I look like Andy Samberg."
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?I would travel all over the world to photograph and film wildlife. I've always enjoyed searching for and learning about animals in different areas, so this would afford me the opportunity to do so on a global scale. Jungles, deserts, islands, oceans, and everywhere in-between.
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?I would like to pass on the golden rule. I have always lived my life by it and I think it is the most important rule one can live by. I would also like to pass on a cleaner and more healthy world. Preserving the environment for future generations is an extremely high priority in my mind. I want my children to have the opportunity to enjoy the same wildlife and environment that I've been allowed.