Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?My most memorable experiences have to come from my family vacations in Maine. My parents used to let me hike on the trails in Acadia National Park by myself when I was young. I love the experience of being out in nature by myself. I also have many memories of waking up early with my father and brother to go fishing out on the lake on our boat.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?I identify most closely with my father. We share similar personality characteristics and many similar interests. I have always taken after my father while my brother has taken after my mother.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?I admire and enjoy when people are completely honest and have a strong work ethic. Dishonesty is a trait that really turns me off from someone's personality. I find it hard to establish a trustful relationship with someone who is dishonest about even the simplest things. I also enjoy surrounding myself with individuals who enjoy working hard and have strong discipline. It is easy to get things accomplished when I am around these types of people, and they often share similar interests with me.
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?This situation is very esoteric, but I had many funny moments on a week long service trip that I took after high school out to a Native American reservation in South Dakota with a bunch of classmates. There was a particular night where we were out in a teepee in the middle of a buffalo pasture, all sleeping in similar quarters, where it seemed like every moment was filled with laughter and joy. It would be hard to replicate a week such as that where there was a great sense of happiness and camaraderie amongst the group that led to many amazing moments.
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?If time and money were not an issue, I would travel to every national park in this country that I had interest in initially. Then I would explore other sites outside of the country. I love the outdoors, and I love hiking. Also, I enjoy experiencing new places and different cultures. I especially enjoy eating local cuisines. I would spend a good portion of my time seeking out these interests. Also, I love golf, so I would play every one of the top 100 ranked golf courses in the world.
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?I would like to pass on to them the things I value most in my life. Personally, I would like to teach them what I think it means to be a good person. I would also like to introduce them to the things in my life that I am passionate about. However, if these things do not pique their interest, I would be willing to cultivate whatever interests they ultimately find most attractive.