Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?My most memorable childhood experience is of me and my friends playing a game that we made up. It was based on the movie “Alien.” We would play the game in the maze that was formed by a cluster of outdoor metal garages. The creepiest part of the maze was the alien’s lair. I usually played the part of the alien, since I had the best roar, and could really get into the character of the alien. We would usually play the game at night. I would chase my friends around the maze, and they would try to escape me. We would play the game for hours, and would be sweaty and exhausted by the end, but happy and excited nevertheless.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?The immediate family member that I identify with the most is my mother. She was the one who kept me warm and fed throughout the years. She helped me in more things than I can count, and was always there with words of advice or encouragement.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?The character traits that I admire in an individual the most are the ability to empathize with others and a good sense of humor. I also admire a curiosity for the world around, and the willingness to be educated. An interest in physical activities is also of high importance.
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?When I was younger, my friends and I used to make large bonfires. There were dumpsters next to my house, and sometimes they got overfilled and some trash fell out. We would pile all the trash in one pile, throw some dry sticks and paper on top, and set the whole thing on fire. Once, we found four old fur hats that someone threw away. We would experiment sometimes on different things by throwing them into the fire and seeing what happened to them. So we threw these hats into the fire. Within seconds a rank stench of burning fur hit our nostrils. We promptly pulled the hats out, but it was too late, the smoke and the wind spread the awful smell into the people’s windows. Furthermore, the hats kept on burning. We had to run from the place, with the smell trailing after us. Next day, everybody in the neighborhood was talking about some idiots that threw fur into the fire. It was hilarious to say the least!
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?I have a dream of traveling to Italy, specifically to Rome, Vatican City, Florence, and Venice. I really like history, and Italy is full of historical buildings, as well as old art. I also have a dream of backpacking through Europe with my best friend, and of being in Germany for Oktoberfest, preferably somewhere in Bavaria.
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?If I ever have children, I would want them to have the appreciation for the natural world and its beauty, as well as a sense of curiosity about the universe. I also want to teach my kids the ability to think critically about differing issues, and not blindly accept what other people tell them. They will also be independent and assertive.