Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?My most memorable childhood experience was on one of my trips west to visit my relatives. During the trip I got to experience the rugged terrain of the mountains, and ventured to climb a few of them with the company of my brother. The thrill of climbing the mountains was one that I've only been able to replicate a few times during other visits in the area. During one of my climbs with my brother, I slipped off a small rock and landed on a cactus. This mixed feeling of intense pain and being adventurous was really able to get my adrenaline pumping.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?I most closely identify with my brother. Growing up we were the only kids in our neighborhood, and we were often left with each other's company. We used to play games together and compete by playing video games, as well as other activities. Today we remain close, as we still share similar interests and personalities. During summers we engage in triathlon training together and find ourselves in friendly competitions in many different ways.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?One of my favorite character traits in a person is a sense of humor. A strong sense of humor often indicates intelligence, which I also find to be vitally important. Being around people with a good sense of humor lightens the mood of the situation, and can contribute to an overall better time in whatever you find yourself doing.
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?It's very hard to pick one single event out and qualify it as the funniest, but the one that I draw myself to happened to me during the eighth grade. Immediately following a baseball game, we were packing our gear up and loading the bus to travel back home. I tried to climb a fence in an effort to save time, and I caught my belt loop on the top of the fence. Dangling over the side, I was unable to free myself until several of my teammates lifted me up off of the fence to my freedom.
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?If time and money were not an issue... I wish. There are many places I would like to visit throughout the world, with New York coming in first. I have been to a number of places similar to New York, but I don't think that anywhere can quite compare to the ambiance that the city can give off. I'd love to visit Central Park and feel the city all around me, while still in an area of serenity and (hopefully) cleanliness.
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?When I have children of my own, there are a lot of things I'd like to pass on to them. I think that giving them a home to develop their own personality and skills is the most important factor in their lives, but I'd like to be able to pass on my overall sense of self and the ability to make people smile. I want my children to be free to develop their own lives, while hopefully retaining some of the qualities that I try to teach them. Also, I would love to be financially secure enough to give them the opportunity to go to college without being in a tremendous amount of debt afterwards.