Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?It's hard to hone in on any one particular childhood memory that I have. I've been playing drums since I was eight, so a majority of my life experiences have been in some way musical: band practice in my parents' basement, talent show performances, etc. But one ideal childhood memory which I could call defining, are summer vacations to the beach. I believe we went three consecutive summers from the time that I was five up until I was eight. Dad's boss had a three-story beach house, two sandy blocks away from the shore, which we would share with his co-worker, his wife, and their two boys. I can remember it was my first time experiencing being up before the sun rose, the rest of the world seemingly in quiet and peaceful sleep while I put my socks on to get ready. I found everything about the place quizzically amusing; The garage was underneath the house amid supporting rafters along with a shower which was outside, for some reason (though it sure came in handy rinsing off from post-beach excursions). The inside was backwards as well. Downstairs was where our bedrooms were, and the kitchen and living/social area was upstairs. The upstairs view was fantastic, as you could trace with your eye the walk towards the beach and in the other direction was a neighborhood with dune grass lawns. I may or may not go back; I doubt it would be the same, even assuming nothing were to change. But I saw the family for the first time, not since, but in a while the other week. It felt good to reconnect; I'm mulling over the idea of establishing maybe something of a "legacy" family trip where the boys and our families (I met the older boy's wife, as well) go for a trip someday.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?The family member I most immediately identify is easily my brother. He and I have a very close relationship, which I think is a result from a few things. First, I think that he and I for whatever reasons approach situations and problems the same way. We're both pretty methodical in how we analyze whatever issue, and I feel we're both quite adept at identifying what's at the issue's core. A problem clearly stated is a problem half solved (fortune cookie wisdom). In identifying myself with my brother I would also highlight our differences. I think that my brother is more of a right-brained individual while I'm more left-brained. His creativity sometimes seems boundless which is evident in the complexity and depth of his music from an arrangement and composition standpoint. I, on the other hand, mostly think I'm good at music and more so rhythm because it's a numbers and math thing. So I think that through our similarities and differences, we complement each other well.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?There are two things which I value highly in an individual. The first is intelligence, and it's hard to say specifically which type of intelligence (social, creative, academic, etc.). I enjoy input from people who have reached high levels of proficiency in many different areas, as this usually provides me with opportunities for growth. The second trait that I admire is communication skill. Humans are a social animal. For this reason I believe interpersonal communication to be fundamentally important. I sometimes say that a person can be the most talented individual in whatever area imaginable, and if they go all through life never having shared what they knew, would they really have anything to show for it? Would it really have been worth it? This is an extreme scenario of course but I think it's relevant on smaller scales as well. Our ideas hold different meaning for ourselves, but sometimes others can also give our ideas meaning.
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?Ironically, there are two things that I find funny about this question. The first is that while I consider myself to have a good sense of humor, there isn't any one particular occasion that stands out to me as a "funniest moment." I've been blessed with having countless moments of hilarity (to which I largely credit my friends), and perhaps it's the frequency of these occurrences that clouds my recollecting just one specific event. So alas, Reader, you won't find any laugh out loud stories herein. The second qualm I have is the wording of the question. I don't just show up and have funny things "happen" to me; I'd like to believe that I'm an active participant in the instances that I find humorous. Was this not the case, I would duly order tickets to a stand-up comic performance for the purpose of answering this question.
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?If time and money were not an issue, let me just level with you and say that I'd do more than simply travel. Digressions aside, I would love to revisit Costa Rica. The rainforests there are beautiful and the people embody a relaxed and peaceful way of life. Plus I shy away from zero opportunities to maintain my Spanish. I absolutely plan on taking a trip to England as well. I have an internet friend over there (somewhat of a modern day pen pal) that I told I have every intention of making it out there one day. I enjoy cultural experiences and this is one that I wouldn't need to learn another language for, not that that would deter me much. Since time's not an issue I'd also travel to visit my half-sister as well because if there's one thing that I've learned from this whole experience it's that I hardly knew my family at all. Some time spent with those that I rarely see would be very special.
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?How to drive! I'd like to teach them a number of things. I'm a science-fiction geek so I guess I'd like to show them how special we've got it here on Earth. By this I mean help them develop an appreciation for the rock that we inhabit, including people and other forms of life as well as the abiotic factors. I think a couple of my mannerisms will probably impart themselves onto my kids just by overexposure, like my people skills. I'm pretty sure that basically boils down to the Character Traits question (#3). I want them to be intelligent and have the ability to express themselves easily. Outside of that, I'd encourage them to develop into their own character.