Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?When I was a child my parents moved us to Central America. It certainly was a unique experience, but it was hard leaving everything behind. I do not think any child enjoys saying goodbye to everyone and everything they know. However I did experience far more than anyone else I knew. Looking back those experiences shaped me to be who I am and I don't regret a moment.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?I identify with my grandfather the most probably because I am the most like him. Probably mostly on purpose because he's the one that I have always looked up to in my family. He doesn't care for the pettiness or passive aggressiveness amongst the family. He simply is himself and always has been.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?As someone who believes that a person's actions define them, punctuality is the trait that I admire the most. To me it is honesty in a physical form and truly shows a person's commitment. Saying you will do something and actually doing it defines a person's character.
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?I had a mole on the back of my neck when I was around eight years old. My family went to a large aviary at a zoo. Birds would fly around and land on you and it was really cool. Well there were two parrots that landed on me and they both decided that the mole on the back of my neck looks like some good food and bit it off. My dad had me run out of the aviary screaming "THE BIRDS! THE BIRDS!" like in the Alfred Hitchcock movie 'The Birds'. Come to think of it that was really only funny to my dad.
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?I would travel throughout Europe. Everywhere in the world there is rich history and beautiful ruins, but Europe is where my ancestors come from. I would like to see the lands of my forefathers and where the wars I've studied were fought. I've just always wanted to see where I came from and to appreciate my heritage.
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?I would hope that my temperament would pass on to my children. According to my parents, as a baby I didn't fuss as long as I was fed. As a child, if my needs were fulfilled I found a way to occupy my time. Even as an adult, whether in a struggle or in the face of danger I remain calm and even. Of the many things that make me who I am my serenity in every situation has made anything possible.