Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?When I was born, my family relied solely on my dad's income, which was little at the time. As I grew up, he got promoted and my mom was able to start working from home, so our family's financial situation considerably improved over time. Because of this whole process, we never took many trips when I was young, and went tent-camping for vacation (which isn't a bad choice at all). Either way, I was incredibly excited the first time we did a "normal" family vacation, like I was used to hearing about from my friends. We road-tripped to Disney World, and I was so blown away by the new sights and weather and environment; nothing could have prepared my young perception for the spectacle of Florida's quintessential family vacation spot. Growing up so frugally, it was incredible to be suddenly immersed in a sea of excess, and those incredible impressions will probably stay with me forever.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?My dad and I have never been extremely close, though we get along very well. That's one of the reasons I identify with him, because that's how many of my most fulfilling relationships go. I'm glad that I had such a strong male role model growing up; he was never harsh or eager to punish my sister and me, but still taught us how to deal with authority and to respect the people around us. As I went through my teenage years and started living on my own, I've slowly realized how much I've grown up to be like him, and I'm quite happy with that. He's still my dad, but now when we get together we just have a few beers and talk about cars and our jobs, and it's good to have someone who understands me so well but will always have advice to give me.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?Competence is the coolest thing in the world; especially because so much of my life is based on interacting with young adults. It's great to see people that have really learned from their two decades on this earth, and can handle the situations they come across with rationality and maturity. It might seem boring, but I love it when people my age are comfortable taking care of an apartment and their car, getting the most out of school, and being able to apply themselves at work, because this is a crucial time in our lives and it's really not that common for people to recognize the importance of acting like an adult when society considers us as such. That being said, it's nice when people know how to relax and have fun on the weekend as well. There's moderation in everything and I like people that respect that idea.
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?I'm pretty easy to amuse, so I can't remember a specific incident to be honest. Most I've ever laughed was when my roommate from freshman year and I road-tripped to his home (a nine hour drive) and kept ourselves entertained by talking and singing along to classic rock the whole way.
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?I would probably go back to my second home in Germany; I lived there for a while after high school and miss my friends and second family quite a bit. The tropics would be nice, but travel is all about the people you're with, and most of the people I care about live back in Germany.
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?Much the same as my parents passed onto me; a sense of place in the world, respect for fellow man on an individual level as well as the broader scope of the human condition, the ability to judge situations quickly and accurately and act accordingly, comfort with all aspects of self-sufficiency, respect for nature and their environment, and the ability to build and maintain meaningful interpersonal relationships.