Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?When I was in fifth grade my brother and I visited some of our family in India. We lived in nice houses and were being driven around in an air conditioned car. Outside we could see some of the street kids that were just a couple of years younger than us, playing soccer with a rock (all without shoes also). The juxtaposition of our situations made me realize how I had luckily won the lottery of life, and has helped me stay grounded and realize many of the things I have are ephemeral.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?I try to emulate my older cousin because he excels at all of his roles: as a father, husband, boss and friend. One specific example that I mimic is that I call all of my friends on New Year's and their birthday. Both are times for "reboots" and, like he says, it's up to them to not want to talk to me, but I'll always be available for them at any time.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?I identify with those who are reliable, resilient, and conscientious. I want those around me to trust me and know that I follow through- "Mean what you say, and say what you mean!" Resilience is something I try to foster in my junior surgery residents. Everyone fails, but getting up and fighting again is not what everyone can do. Conscientiousness is much harder to define, but being aware of those around you- their capabilities, passion, insights- builds deeper relationships.
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?In the heat of the moment, I've accidentally signed random gestures to a deaf patient. In medical school we are taught to speak directly to the patient and the interpreter was there signing. The triangular conversation was going fine until I asked if she had any more questions. I looked straight at her, asked her, "Do you have any more questions?" while randomly hand gesturing because I became so involved with that conversation! Luckily, they understood what happened and we shared a good laugh!
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?There are two things that I would like to do at some point. I already have started to do more mission-based trips, but I'd like to do even more. Maybe some environmental themed ones that I can do with my kids. For me, I'd like to take the jet fighter ride to the edge of space and watch the sunset over the horizon of the stars (and maybe, sometime in my lifetime, space tourism will become big and I'll get to experience that).
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?My wife and I have been blessed with two wonderful kids and we want them to be good stewards of the gifts they have received. My wife and I plan on leaving nearly the entirety of our estates to charitable causes because we feel our kids should stand and make their own way in the world. They should be able to endure, and leave the world in a better place they found it.