Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?I took a scouting trip when I was sixteen to the Florida Keys to get certified to dive. When we went on our first dive and I was able to look on what seemed like another world I was in awe. I was able to visit what seemed like another planet and see all of the creatures that inhabited it while floating weightless around them. Knowing that I was in a place that the majority of people would never see in person made it all the more amazing. I hope to go back with my kids one day and see the look on their faces when they experience the underwater world for the first time.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?I identify most with my grandmother. She has spent a massive amount of time around me and I have gained many of my qualities from her. I have my strong sense of kindness and selflessness from her as well as a well-grounded moral compass. I tend to speak honestly, to the point where it offends some people, but I prefer that to half-truths and lies. She has never been one to sugarcoat information and I have inherited her method of speech.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?Honest and adventurous stand out as the two most dominant traits that I value in an individual. Honesty is the foundation of any relationship and without it all of your interactions become unstable and cheap. Once that has been established I look for people with a strong sense of adventure that are willing to try new things, and push the boundaries of safety.
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?On a campout with a few friends we were coming back home exhausted from a weekend of not sleeping and were already laughing at pretty much everything going on around us. However, on the whim of a friend I decided to down an entire bag of sour Skittles for no reason. The resulting explosion of flavor and sour seasoning hit me like a train and I started spitting Skittles all over the floor of the car. My friend also could not stop laughing and to this day I still send him packs of sour Skittles as a reminder and a warning.
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?China to study martial arts. I have always been fascinated with the discipline and determination that martial artists pursue their studies with and would love to study under a master in a place where the art originated. To add to this, the country itself is beautiful and vast with many places and landmarks to explore and a different culture to immerse yourself in.
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?Kindness to other people. So many people forget that we are all human beings and treat others badly, then go to church the next day to preach others on acceptance. I hope that my kids will look at problems objectively and learn to use logic over emotion no matter how trying the situation. I feel that if I can pass on these traits and skills they will be well-set for anything life can throw at them.