Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?Most memorable childhood experience… wow, just one? There are too many to recount and I couldn’t just lock one down, from playing hockey in the winter, boating in the summer, playing baseball, high school football, there are just too many to choose just one. Like my personality, I like nearly everything and don’t have enough time to do everything. If I had to choose just one experience, I would choose…my freshman season of ice hockey. I learned a lot, and was with a great bunch of kids who all got along very well. The coaches were amazing and knew how to motivate us, and we won it all that year. That year I was also honored to wear the "A" on my jersey as an alternate captain.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?This one is a tossup, once again can’t just choose one. I associate a lot with my mother for the love of art, and energy, and tidiness, and my father for his love of sports, mechanics, and general demeanor.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?This one will sound kind of silly but strong moral character. What do I mean by this, humble in victory gracious in defeat, lifts up others, looks for the best in people and helps to elevate it. Has strong opinions and sticks to them but is willing to see a different viewpoint and not completely discount it.
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?Funniest thing…. Well having spent fifteen years in the military there have been plenty of stories, enough to write a small book. If I had to narrow it down I would go with…how I finally got my wife alone to ask her if she would like to start dating. So it started off that we were working together and a few of us were going to a movie together, but at the last minute everyone else dropped out so it ended up being just me and her. It was after that that I realized she was the one for me but didn’t want to push it right away so we stayed friends for a few weeks. I then decided to pursue her and somehow she knew what my play was, I attempted to create group plans where I would tell everyone else to cancel, but somehow she would always find someone to go with us. This happened three or four times. Finally I had just purchased a car with a stick shift (which I really didn’t know how to drive well) and I knew she had a manual pickup truck. So I convinced her to go out with my and teach me to drive it. I finally had my opportunity to ask her to start dating and the rest is, as they say, history.
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?Where wouldn’t I go! Like I previously mentioned I enjoy nearly everything, and there is so much to see from beautiful landscapes to historical sites, to natural and man-made wonders. So I’ll take this a slightly different direction, I would like to travel to New Zealand; I enjoy winter as it’s my favorite season, and skiing there would be amazing.
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?I would like to pass on as many of my good traits as possible. I like to think I have strong moral character, a good demeanor, I’m pretty relaxed, have a strong drive to accomplish goals, my athletic ability, and my Christianity.