Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?Family vacations to the lake. Every summer we would go and spend a week camping, hiking, and fishing.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?My brother, now that we are older we tend to get along better. This has led to a stronger bond and we both have similar interests.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?Honesty and loyalty are the two traits I look for in a person.
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?The time I went snowboarding and ended up on the terrain park by accident and had to work my way through it while being very uncomfortable with the movements.
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?I would travel to Europe and visit all the major military battle sites for WWII, this has always been a dream of mine.
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?I would pass on the pride for the country we live in, but also the pride in our heritage.