Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?My most memorable childhood experience is going camping with my family. Though we've gone multiple times, both with extended family members and then later on with significant others, I always loved one particular weekend. Not only did I catch my first fish, which we ate for dinner, but I also got lost in the woods and it took about a half hour for my family to find me. It was exciting and taught me a lot about life.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?My mother and I have a much deeper connection than my father, sister or any of my extended family. On top of looking incredibly similar, we also think a lot alike. We enjoy the finer things in life, relaxing and not taking anything for granted. But we also work hard and love the work we do. We both have an entrepreneurial spirit, as she has her own jewelry business and I've always wanted to move into having my own business.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?I admire someone who is passionate about caring for the people around them, someone who is not selfish. I also admire someone who can take care of themselves and does not get flustered in high stress situations. I like someone who has a sense of humor, can laugh at themselves in certain situations and not take things too seriously.
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?I was on my first tour with my band right after we graduated high school. We were driving through the night to a venue in Maine and could not find a place to stay because we were very young and did not have money for a hotel. Luckily, we planned for this situation and I packed a tent. However, it was a two person tent and there were more people in the band. So we ended up taking our chances pitching the tent right outside the venue. We barely slept that night because of the discomfort but we were woken up somewhat abruptly by the cops who got called by the neighbors who lived close to the venue. It was around sunrise so we took the opportunity to go to a Maine beach and watch the sunrise. We all tried to climb up this dirt hill and all fell on our butts and into the water. Overall, this tour was one of the funnest experiences of my life with many hilarious moments to reflect on.
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?There are many places I'd like to go if time and money were not an issue. Architecture has always interested me and there are so many places all over the world that have interesting architecture. The pyramids in Egypt, the ancient civilizations of the Incas and Mayans and all the structures in Europe.
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?There are a few of my personal characteristics and interests that I'd love to see in my children. First of all, I'd really like to pass on my love and appreciation of music. They'll be presented with every musical instrument they want to learn and see me playing them so they develop an interest in learning these instruments. I'd like them to get my sense of adventure and excitement from seeing new things. We'd go camping, hiking, on vacation to places that aren't just a hotel with a beach or pool every time.