Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?My most memorable childhood memory is when I won a swim team medley relay when I was in 5th grade. I normally swam butterfly, but for some reason in the championship meet I was the anchor swimmer and I was swimming freestyle. By the time the other swimmers had finished their laps, we were down by half a lap. I swam my hardest anyways. While I was swimming the last 25 meters, I could hear the crowd under water; they were that loud. When I touched the wall to finish the race, to my disbelief, I had beaten the other swimmer by like two seconds. This showed to me at a young age that nothing was impossible if I put my mind to it.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?I've always been a momma's boy, but not in the clingy, helpless, incompetent sense that most people imagine it. I take after her in a lot of ways; being independent, capable, and friendly. We have a close and amusing relationship. I call her woman and she calls me boy, but not out of disrespect. It is just what we do.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?I admire honestly and straightforwardness the most in a person. I've always said "Why say with ten words what you can say with nine?" I like people who aren't scared to speak their minds even if it hurts, and who are willing and ready to accept the consequences of their actions or words. I like this because it reflects on their inner character, saves time, and allows for clear communication.
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?When you are learning to speak a new language you make a lot of mistakes. When I was learning Italian, I was talking to some good friends one day and I was telling them about the house I lived in. The house had the roof of a local supermarket as a balcony and I used it to play soccer on it. When I was telling the story I confused the word roof or 'tetto' with 'tetta' which means boob. So instead of having a large roof balcony, we had a large boob balcony.
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?If time and money weren't an issue, I wouldn't travel abroad, I would live abroad. There are so many places in the world to see and experience. Better question is if time and money were an issue where would I go? I'd go to China and then probably to New Zealand. I've seen a lot of Europe, and now I would like to see other parts of the world.
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?I want to pass on to them my work ethic, intelligence, selfless service, and responsibility for myself and the environment I live in.