Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?Playing club soccer with my best friends from third grade through high school. I grew up in a small, rural town with only one high school in the entire county. Our local club soccer team had to travel up to two hours on weekends to play ‘neighboring’ cities. My mom was our team manager, and regularly filled her Ford Expedition to capacity for our weekend soccer trips. My dad and brother also made it to almost all of my games. I loved everything about the experience; from the car rides full of music, conversation, and laughter, to playing competitive soccer with my best friends. The fact that my family was with me each step of the way made it even more special.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?My mother. She has a unique ability to make people feel whole, and feel loved. She’s optimistic, intelligent, hardworking, and always the life of the party. She enjoyed a successful career as a public servant where she positively affected tens of thousands of people. My personality closely aligns with hers, as does the line of work I’ve chosen to pursue. She has always been my go-to for advice on all things personal and professional. I strive to emulate her every day.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?I admire honesty, openness, kindness, a great sense of humor, a willingness to be vulnerable, and an appreciation for diversity and inclusivity.
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?One time I went to a comedy show with my girlfriend and a couple we enjoy spending time with. One of the bits of the comedy show was called ‘battle of the sexes,’ and involved selecting a male and female from the crowd to participate in a head to head trivia-esque battle. I was selected to be the male participant. There were a few straight-up trivia questions asked, for example, the female who was selected and I had to go back and forth and name former US presidents until someone blanked. And then there were the ridiculous categories like, ‘think of a name for this specific body part.’ The male team and I won the competition; it was a bizarre and hilarious experience.
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?I would want to go somewhere that is different from where I live, both geographically and culturally. I would also want to go somewhere I’ve never been before. I’ve traveled extensively in South America and the Caribbean, and made several trips to Europe and Africa, so I would choose somewhere either in Asia or Australia/New Zealand. Geographically I think New Zealand and Australia present a ton of opportunity, but culturally I think somewhere in Asia interests me most. So I’ll go with Thailand.
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?An appreciation for new experiences. A willingness to look at problems through different lenses. A deep respect for all of humanity.