Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?Learning how to swim on the beach. I was living back in Mexico with my parents. We traveled a lot because of my father's job. Every time we were nearby the ocean we would go and swim. That's my favorite memory, followed by riding horses.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?Mom. She has a very kind heart, regardless that she grew up with the trauma of dealing with the killing of her dad. She grew up a strong woman helping my grandmother to take care of herself and her younger siblings. She has a great sense of humor and a very peaceful demeanor. She is extremely smart and independent. What I admire the most in her, and I took to my own life, is that she never gives up or settles in life. She is always looking for things to do and ways to better herself. She is incredibly creative and prolific.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?Inquisitiveness; Creativity; Intelligence; Imaginative; Thriving; Sense of humor; Active; Conscientious; Compassionate; Autonomy.
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?I was about seven years old. My sisters and I were having dinner at the table with our parents. Like every time we had dinner, we were goofing around, trying to make each other laugh. I was drinking milk when my one sister did a very funny face at me and I spurted all the milk in my mouth at my youngest sister who was sitting in front of me. We all start laughing non-stop. It was one of those moments when we couldn't stop laughing even when we were tearing and our stomachs hurt. My mom took my sister for a bath and our dad gave us "the talk" sending us to bed. That was one of the funniest moments in my life and it puts a smile on my face every time I remember it, thanks!!!
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?I'd travel all over the world!!! I am interested in art practices among people of different cultures and periods. I am curious about migration routes across the globe in relation to the history of humankind. I'd travel to study those routes at the same time that I research my own genealogy and ancestry. I'd begin my research in Mexico, to work on my grandfather's biography. He was a native who educated himself and became a lawyer. He was an activist fighting for indigenous rights who ended up being assassinated because of his ideals. I'd travel and work as a teacher and open a library to promote education and continue my grandfather's legacy.
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?Every single lesson I learned in life, every single moment of love and happiness I've experienced in life. I will make sure that they know how loved they are and teach them to know themselves. To educate themselves and to follow what's in their hearts, their passion. To always wonder and inquire about everything in nature and society. To be courageous, compassionate and empathetic. I'd also made goof balls out of them. I'd teach them our history so they have a better idea of their heritage and it may help them to define who they are.