Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?My most memorable childhood experience would be visiting my grandmother for two weeks every summer. I really enjoyed this time, because she would take me around the city and we would visit various museums and other educational institutions. I would help her cook, read books, and watch movies. I would always have a great time and I learned a lot from the activities we would participate in that still stick with me today. It also allowed me to build a strong bond with her and I am always thankful for the time we would spend together.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?The immediate family member I closely identify with would be my mother. We share a similar personality and have a lot in common. I can tell her anything and she always understands where I'm coming from. We joke and laugh all the time over things that other members of my family wouldn't understand. She is very strong, caring, smart and independent. I see a lot of these traits within myself.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?I really admire someone who shows strength, independence and intelligence. I like people who are humble, caring, cultured and open minded. I really appreciate positivity and thoughtfulness. It takes a lot for someone to be selfless and empathetic and it means a lot when I meet people who are. I also admire individuals who are honest in everything they do.
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?One of the funniest things that happened to me was a few years ago when I was with some close friends at a theme park for Halloween. They had a bunch of different haunted houses and we decided to go through the mirror maze. It was really dark inside with mirrors on every wall. It also had lots of fog and flashing lights so it was really hard to see where we were going. I was leading the group through the maze and I started to walk around a corner when I saw a shadowy figure standing in front of me. I jumped back immediately and yelled really loud. After a second I realized that the shadowy figure was my own reflection. It caught me off guard initially but once I realized it was me, we all started to laugh. We continued through the maze, but my friends wouldn't let me forget what happened and we all laughed about it throughout the rest of the night.
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?If time and money were not an issue, I would literally travel around the world and try to visit as many countries and experience as many different cultures as possible. I have had the opportunity to visit areas of Europe and it has opened my eyes to the different people, cities, food and cultures the world has to offer. Current destinations on my list are Japan, Greece, Egypt and other parts of Africa, Iceland, Brazil, Australia and New Zealand.
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?When I decide to have children I will attempt to pass on to them everything I learned from my parents and relatives. I hope to teach them independence and responsibility. I want to help them learn their heritage and where they came from so they can decide where they want to go in life. I will be as supportive as possible and encourage them to pursue all their dreams. I will raise them to be honest and productive, and teach them that anything is possible in this world.