Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?As children, my sister and I would often venture out and explore areas by ourselves. Hills, parks, playgrounds became places our imaginations could then take over for hours at a time. Playing and exploring allowed us to build trust, collaborate, and develop our bond as siblings. This bond provided a foundation for friendships that I would later develop with others as I grew older.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?I would assume that for many people, the answer would be their mother. For me, it is no different. My original window to the world, my learned behavior towards others, my body language, work ethic, etc. all mimicked my mother. In her, I’ve always seen a role model, a supportive parent, and the willingness to meet people where they are at; all traits that I want to embody.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?The ability to listen, to perform equal emotional labor within any relationship are to me signs of emotional intelligence. It is emotional maturity that sustains the relationships we choose to be in. I am always seeking to be a better listener, more sensitive to the needs of others, and accountable. It is why I admire individuals who are emotionally mature.
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?My first time visiting Texas, I found myself needing to use the bathroom inside a bar in the small town of Bandera. The closest bathroom had the word “Heifer” written on its door. Not knowing what that meant, I rushed inside. Once I stepped back outside, I was greeted by confused stares of women waiting outside and the laughter of most everyone in the bar itself.
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?Time or money will always be obstacles to some degree. Truly, time is precious and enjoying those fleeting moments with people who care about you is what matters. To that end, I would want to take my aging uncle to visit the countries in Central Asia (all seven counties ending in -stan!). My uncle and I frequently spend hours discussing politics, culture, and languages of different countries. Despite his failing health, his dream is to make the trek out to Central Asia and I would want to share that experience with him.
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?Whatever their flaws, my own parents always gave my sister and me space: space to be ourselves, space to make our own mistakes, space to return, etc. This allowed me to be comfortable in my independence, fully aware that I have unconditional love and support. And it is this unconditional love that I would want my own children to be cognizant of. I would want them to inherit this in the relationships they develop with themselves, their own family, and others.