Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?One of my favorite memories from childhood happened when I was about five years old. At that point in my life, my favorite thing to do was get outside and find bugs, catch frogs, or go fishing. For as long as I can remember I've always been in love with the natural world. When I was lucky I got to do this at my grandparents’ cabin, but on the day of this story I was simply exploring the wooded area near my elementary school. I happened to stumble upon a baby bird that had fallen out of a nest somewhere. It was all alone and I couldn't find a nest to place it back into so I caught it, showed it to my mom, and she let me take it home. When we arrived at home my mom went to town helping me make a terrarium for the little bird who I had named Squeaks. We kept the little guy for a few days. I learned all about feeding and caring for something in need. Toward the end of his stay with us, Squeaks started to become quite the escape artist. As he got more and more confident with using his wings, the frequency of his small flights around the house increased. It became evident that we would have to release him back into nature. My dad and I ended up taking him to a nature preserve nearby and letting him go. He was the first pet I ever had to say goodbye to. I cried a little when he flew away but I felt extremely proud of all that my family and I did to help little Squeaks out.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?I identify most closely with my dad out of my immediate family. He is a very positive, energetic guy that always sees the best in people. He continues to impress me with his excitement toward life and how deeply he cares for people. I look up to him a lot.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?One trait that I highly respect is drive. I love being around people who have a relentless thirst for getting the most out of their life. Passionate, driven people bring me to life. Respect is a trait I highly value as well. It is the basis of genuine human connection. I couldn't imagine surrounding myself with people who do not think past their own self.
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?I was at my grandparents' cottage for a family reunion. My father's entire side of the family was there, staying at the cabin. I was out behind the property at a small pond with my brother and a few of my cousins. We were all around nine years old at the time. I had spotted a huge bullfrog that I was determined to catch. His head was just visible poking out of the thick green algae covering the surface of the mucky brown water. I crouched down to my knees and shot my hand out like lightning as I reached far out from the bank to grab this big ol' frog. At this point I lost balance and went face first into the water. I emerged from the water covered from head to toe in thick brown mud. My brother and cousins starting laughing like a pack of hyenas. I quickly jumped out of the water, fearing the snapping turtles I had seen in that water before, and I darted off toward the cabin where my parents, aunts, and uncles were out on the porch by the lake. To this day my uncles like to remind me of how hilarious it was to see me rounding the corner of the cabin and standing in front of them all looking like the Creature from the Black Lagoon.
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?At this point in time, I would love to travel to Bali. I have wanted to go to Indonesia for quite some time. The main reason for me to travel there would be the surf. I grew up surfing. My buddies and I have been talking about taking a group surf trip there for quite some time.
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?I think the one thing I'd hope to pass on to them would be my sense of adventure. Life is so great if you set aside your fears and push for the things you want to experience. I will have kids one day and I plan to expose them to as much as possible, so that they grow up with a confidence that they can tackle anything that comes their way!