Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?I loved to play soccer, but it was hard to get free time since we had to help our parents on our house chores, and we did not have a ball either. However, I figured out a way to make a ball out of socks and sometimes I would trick my parents and go to play soccer with my friends. When they found out later, I would always get punished but I didn't mind. Those events I always remember.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?Like most people, I have always been close with my mother due to her love and kindness. If my mom was not at home, I would prefer my younger brother and elder brother. I rarely spent time with my father unless it was necessary because he was a very strict person.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?First is responsibility. To take care of my family and help others, I started working and helping. The other important traits are resilience and focusing on the big picture. I always keep in mind that pain is just temporary if you can bear it. I also admire being able to guess the coming future ahead of time which helps us to prepare ourselves.
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?There are many but I would love to mention a couple of the misunderstandings that happened when I first came to the United States. First, my wife and I decided to try a pizza and went to the pizza store. We asked for the pizza and the attendant asked us what kind we wanted. We had no idea that there were different kinds until he explained that there are many varieties of pizza. We were able to get pizza with grilled chicken, cheese, BBQ sauce, and some veggies. Second, my professor sent me an email saying that I should stop by his office at a particular time. I went to his office at that time and stayed outside (since he just said stop by) and after 10 minutes he called me and asked if I had received his email. I didn’t realize that I should have just knocked on his door and gone inside. We both laughed together later.
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?I would like to travel Hawaii, Australia, and Bali. I want to go to Hawaii to see the things and explore since many people talk about it. Australia, to see my friends and relatives. Finally, Bali because my wife desperately wants to go to there.
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?I have a child and I would like her to know what I didn’t know at that age, and I would like to provide all the opportunities that I could not get.