Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?Growing up in a sports family, the memories of my first baseball games are some of the happiest I can remember. Going to a game with friends and/or family was a big part of my childhood, and hopefully we'll be able to go back sooner rather than later.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?Even though my younger brother and I are opposites of each other in terms of personality, I couldn't imagine having a better relationship with him. We have different interests, but we're still extremely close. I grew up not having a sibling in my house so I always wished I had a brother that I could relate with. When I finally got one it changed my life for the better.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?Being humble is one of the most respectable traits someone could have in my opinion. A person who can have success and let their work speak for itself is admirable, and those are the people I tend to gravitate towards.
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?For my 17th birthday a group of friends pretended for the entire week leading up to my birthday that they had all forgotten. Once my birthday had come, they showed up to my house, and we went out and that night is one of the best nights of my life.
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?Germany and England are two places I would love to visit sometime soon. I have family in both countries, but the main reason is for soccer because they are two of the best countries for the sport. England especially because I'm a huge Chelsea FC fan and would love to see them play in person one day. I am looking into doing a study abroad program in England for my Junior year of college.
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?I just want to be able to participate in what my kids are passionate about and support them through it. Whether that is teaching them a sport and going to their games or watching movies with them and helping them get into acting, whatever it is my kids want to do I want to be there to support them in it.