Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?The most memorable childhood experience I have is having my grandparents "sneak" us out of the house so we could spend the weekend with them. They would tell my parents in private that they would take us, but we were very oblivious to the situation. We would sneak out the backdoor and run to the car with a change of clothes in a Walmart bag feeling like rebels for the night.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?The family member that I closely identify with is my dad. Aside from the fact that I look exactly like he did during his young adult days, we share many characteristics and mannerisms. I’d like to think I get my work ethic and my athletic ability from him.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?The top three character traits I admire in an individual are honesty, work ethic, and punctuality. Telling the truth is a very big thing with me, as well as working hard or someone having a strong desire to complete the work at hand. Punctuality is another big trait because that is someone's first impression of you.
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?The funniest thing to happen to me was in college during French class. My roommate at the time could not do a French accent to save his life. So, when the teacher asked him to read a simple sentence on the board, he exaggerated the accent and botched the whole sentence up with a lot of confidence. The whole class could not contain themselves for five minutes. I still laugh about it till this day.
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?I would travel to all the islands in Greece. My favorite island would be Santorini because of the beautiful water and beaches. Greece has some of the prettiest sites in the world with breathtaking views.
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?I would like to pass on the knowledge I've learned that would have made my life easier as a kid. The struggles I have endured could be avoided with the right advice and parenting. I would like to make my kids’ lives as easy as possible but still allowing them to grow through adversity to make them stronger.