Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?As a kid growing up in western India, Diwali used to be the most grand and elaborate festival for us. We would go to our grandparents’ place where my uncles and aunts lived together. There was this one time when my cousin and I cracked open a toy during Diwali and tiny candies came out of it, giving the two of us the kind of euphoria that one feels after winning a jackpot in the lottery! That memory is still very fresh and dear to me.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?I identify the most with my mom. Throughout her life, she has made countless sacrifices to get us the education that wasn't available to her. She leads by example and embodies kindness, compassion, and wisdom to its best.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?Kindness and compassion are the most important traits to me in any given person. I believe these are the foundation for all the other traits. Having a sense of humor, being a good listener, being meticulous and inclusive are the other traits that I look for next.
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?When in 7th grade in school, there was a girl, who is my best friend now. The two of us had known each other only for a few weeks back then and absolutely hated one another. One day while I was walking through the corridor, I accidentally slipped and fell on the ground. Kriti and her other friends were standing nearby, and they laughed their hearts out seeing me fall. I felt thoroughly embarrassed then, and today when I think about it, I can’t stop laughing myself!
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?I would love to travel to Britain and stay in London and Scotland for as long as I wanted. I love Europe very much and would be absolutely thrilled to tour almost every other country in there. If I could also travel to fictional places, then Hogwarts for sure!
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?I can't wait to have children of my own, especially daughters! I would absolutely love for them to grow into kind, compassionate and inclusive human beings. I would also make sure that they have a holistic life and do things outside of academics, like sports and arts. I would also guide them to be spiritually inclined and inquisitive.