Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?There are a few memories from high school that stand out. I finished scouting and became an Eagle Scout my senior year. When I graduated, I also was Varsity in Cross Country, and then had 12 years of perfect attendance which is something only a couple students in the entire district managed. All of these were and still are proud accomplishments and helped build friendships and were a benefit in college and job applications.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?I feel I most identify with my younger sister. A few years ago, during my parents’ divorce, we became much closer and spent time together even though I was away at college. Afterwards, we grew and remained closer and have a lot in common. Today we have similar values and morals in life.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?Open-mindedness and humility are traits I probably admire most. Being open-minded and humble allows you to always accept you might be wrong about something and always have room to grow. Altruism is another good trait I admire, being good for the sake of helping others rather than expecting something in return. I try to keep these traits in my daily life.
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?It's difficult to pick a single funniest event to describe here. I have plenty of inside jokes and personal stories from family and friends around vacations, birthdays, celebrations and so on. One that stood out was on my first trip to Hawaii, I went on a short hike that led to a beautiful pond and waterfall. My mom and stepdad kept hyping up the end of the trail as wonderful. However, our hike was the day after a long storm so when we arrived at the waterfall and pond was all ugly mud, kind of messing up the view. I asked my mom and stepdad "Does every waterfall in Hawaii look like this?" They laughed and we returned a couple days later to a much nicer view. That same night, we went to a large buffet of various foreign food, but all I did was stay by the chocolate fountain.
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?I would like to travel to all 50 states eventually. I have been to 22 (including DC) and this is already on my bucket list. My next pick would be Alaska or Washington.
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?I would like to pass on to them how to be responsible and to learn how to become independent adults once they've grown up. On top of that I'd like to see them learn to take care of their health and be motivated to succeed in life.