Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?My most memorable childhood experience is when my family took me to the Ripley's Believe It or Not museum. I had so much fun looking through the unique exhibits and running down the "black hole hallway" repeatedly. It was my favorite birthday and showed me how so much cool stuff can exist in the world.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?I identify most with my sister. She and I have been through a lot together, so we are very close. We had each other’s backs, but we were also competitive in most areas, so we just understood each other immensely. We have been with each other through various hardships and fun times, so we see each other as strong-willed siblings yet easy to be around.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?I admire the traits of communication, forgiveness, and humor. Communication is the most important as you will need to be able to communicate in every relationship you have with anyone, be it friends, family, or partners. Forgiveness is important as it is important to understand when people are deserving of second chances. Humor is important to me as someone who is humorous is much more fun to be around than someone who is not.
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?When I was younger, I was with my family and their friends at a lake, and we were going to go jet skiing. Everyone was having a blast, and prior to that we were tubing for hours, and it was my turn to get on the jet skis. I have been swimming most of my life and was ready to go fast, when suddenly I was pulled right off the jet skis and was being dragged by the boat. Turns out I was too small for the skis, but I didn't want to let go, but by the time I did, my swim trunks had been ripped off and I was swimming in just a life jacket. I then swam to the dock and asked my family to throw me some shorts and we never found the swim trunks. Everyone remembers how I flew right out of the jet skis, and while it was a little embarrassing at the time, it's been an excellent story to tell.
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?I would travel to a few places if money and time were not issues. First, I would go to Japan specifically to go to Cat and Bunny Island, as those are some of my favorite animals. I would go to Italy, specifically Rome, so that I could tour the Colosseum. Lastly, I would go to Greece and travel throughout the major cities, as it is my favorite historical period.
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?If I have children, I will want to pass on to them the importance of confidence, discipline, and self-reliance. Confidence is important because with it you can garner belief in yourself and that can push you to accomplish so many goals and tasks. Discipline would be important as it would be a controllable form of motivation. Instead of waiting for motivation, you would be able to gather the energy to accomplish goals, thus being disciplined. Finally, I would pass on self-reliance, as at the end of the day, only you can get things done for yourself, and if they feel self-reliant, they can embrace and solve challenges and hurdles they come across in life.