Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?One of my most memorable childhood experiences was when I visited Indonesia with my father for a two-month summer vacation. It was not only my first airplane ride, but it also marked the beginning of my love for travel and adventure. During our time in Indonesia, we had the incredible opportunity to explore the stunning wildlife safari, where I encountered exotic animals and witnessed the beauty of nature up close. That was the first time I experienced meeting people from different cultures. My father had co-workers from all over the world and I got an opportunity to interact with everyone.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?I closely identify with my mom because she has been a constant source of love, guidance, and support throughout my life. Her unwavering presence has shaped my values and taught me important life lessons. In my father's absence while growing up, as he was an engineer working abroad, she made sure that my sister and I grew up under a positive influence. Her strength and resilience in the face of challenges have inspired me, and her nurturing nature has fostered a deep sense of security and belonging.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?I admire several character traits in individuals. Honesty and integrity are fundamental, as they form the basis of trust and strong moral values. Courage and resilience are admirable for facing life's challenges head-on. Empathy, kindness and optimism are equally important, as they reflect one's ability to understand and care for others. Loyalty and responsibility showcase reliability and commitment. Lastly, adaptability and open-mindedness demonstrate the capacity for growth and the willingness to embrace new perspectives. These traits collectively contribute to the richness of an individual's character.
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?One day, when my mom was not at home, I visited my uncle's house for lunch. Since his house was less than a mile from my house, I walked through the paddy fields. I had a good time with them and decided to return home before my mom returned. When I reached home, I realized there was a hole in my pocket, and I had lost the only key to our house. I walked back and forth a few times to my uncle's home searching for the key. After an hour, my mom arrived and joined me in the search. After half an hour, my mom asked me to go back to my uncle's home and call a locksmith as cellphones were still not available. I was tired and disappointed after close to two hours of searching. I wanted to rest for a moment and leaned on a coconut tree without realizing it was dead. When I leaned on the tree, it fell into the paddy field, and I fell along with it into the mud. I stood up, bathed in clay and mud, and my mom and sister burst into laughter. All the tension they had felt went away, and they laughed at my plight for some time. Then my mom walked toward where I had stood earlier to help me out of the mud. There, my mom found the key on the ground where I had been standing, and I felt a big relief when I saw the key in her hand.
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?Visiting both Kenya for a safari and the Egyptian pyramids would offer an incredible blend of experiences. Kenya boasts renowned national parks like the Maasai Mara. In contrast, Egypt offers a chance to marvel at the ancient wonders of the Giza Pyramids, Sphinx, and other historical treasures along the Nile River. This journey combines thrilling wildlife encounters in Kenya with a deep dive into ancient history and culture in Egypt. It's an opportunity to appreciate both the natural beauty of Africa and the architectural marvels of Egypt.
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?If and when I have children, there are several values and principles I would like to pass on to them. Firstly, I'd want to instill a strong sense of empathy and kindness, teaching them the importance of compassion towards others and the value of helping those in need. I'd also emphasize the significance of curiosity and lifelong learning, encouraging them to question, explore, and never stop seeking knowledge. Resilience and the ability to adapt to life's challenges would be another crucial lesson, as I believe it's essential to equip them with the tools to overcome obstacles with determination and a positive attitude. Moreover, I'd want to nurture their independence and self-confidence, allowing them to make their own choices and learn from their experiences. Lastly, I'd hope to impart the appreciation of diversity and the beauty of different cultures, fostering a global perspective that promotes inclusivity and understanding in an increasingly interconnected world.