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Pregnancy Report Form


We appreciate you reporting your pregnancy to Fairfax Cryobank!

Thank you for taking the time to complete this form to report your pregnancy using a Fairfax Cryobank donor. This helps us keep our records up-to-date for future Fairfax Families. 

Please do not report a pregnancy with this online form between 11pm and 2 am EST, as our system is updated during that time.

If you used an ID donor, you will also need to complete the ID Birth Registration form to allow your child to have the option to obtain donor information on or after their 18th birthday. For a pregnancy by an ID donor, we encourage you to fill out the form below but it will not be a substitute for completing the registration paperwork after birth. You can always call Client Services at 0800-404-9186 to assist you.

See our Policy on Limiting Donor Births to see when donors are stopped.

* Indicates required field

* Order No.
(Obtained at time order placed. Call us or click to chat if you need this information.)
* Donor No.
Preparation Type
* Pregnancy
Pregnancy Ongoing?
Due Date (MM/DD/YYYY)

Please report the birth of this pregnancy to us using this same online form. We carefully track births and limit the number of offspring for each donor.

Pregnancy Ongoing?
Due Date (MM/DD/YYYY)

Please report the birth of this pregnancy to us using this same online form. We carefully track births and limit the number of offspring for each donor.

Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)
No. of Babies Born
* Location where insemination took place
Select State:    Zip:
* Have you filled out a pregnancy report form on this pregnancy already?
Person filling out this form?

Please enter your email address. We will contact you only if we have questions about the data you have submitted.

* Email:


If you have any questions about your pregnancy report, email Fairfax Cryobank’s Client Services team.