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About our Donor Categories

Learn more about Fairfax Cryobank’s donors.

Curious about what the various sperm donor types mean? Or where Fairfax Cryobank finds sperm donors? Review the answers below to learn more about our diverse selection of sperm donors.

  • Where do you find your sperm donors?

    Fairfax Cryobank donors live in the local communities surrounding our collection facilities in Fairfax, Virginia; Austin, Texas; Houston, Texas; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Pasadena, California; and Twin Cities, Minnesota. We draw heavily from the colleges and graduate programs in those areas, as well as recruiting successful professionals to become sperm donors. Men who are interested in becoming applicants must be between 18-39 years of age, healthy and have no other significant risk factors.


    Of those who originally apply, less than 1% of applicants are accepted as sperm donors for Fairfax Cryobank, indicative of our intensely rigorous screening processes.

  • What is a Donor Category?

    The donor category identifies the origin or the level of contact the donor requested.

    Fairfax Cryobank offers two categories of donors from which clients can choose; Non-ID and ID, but Non-ID donors are not available in the UK.

    All donors, regardless of category, are tested to the same high standards and have extensive medical and personal information available.

    In addition, a large percentage of donors, both Non-ID and ID are pursuing or have completed graduate level education. This includes Masters and PhD level degrees and students currently pursuing medical, dental, chiropractic, law, veterinary, optometry, and pharmacy degrees. Many donors have completed doctorate degrees already: MD, JD, DVM, VMD, DO, and PhD.

  • What does the ID Category mean?

    ID donors provide the same non-identifying, detailed level of information, testing and screening, but they agree to allow Fairfax Cryobank to release identifying information, upon request, to your child once they reach 18, or older.  Not all sperm banks define ID donors in the same way. Donors at some sperm banks have agreed to disclose their contact information to offspring at 18, or older, whereas other banks may mediate contact while allowing the donor to remain anonymous, or allow the donor to opt out entirely.