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Safety First

Fairfax Cryobank provides the safest cryopreserved sperm and embryo storage.

Fairfax Cryobank provides safest sperm storage

People may wonder, are sperm banks safe? You can rest assured knowing Fairfax Cryobank has been safely storing cryopreserved specimens for over 30 years. Our storage facilities are equipped with the latest technology and include state of the art monitoring and alarm systems.

Below are a few ways Fairfax provides the strongest and safest sperm storage:

  • Monitoring: To provide continuous preservation of your stored reproductive specimens, liquid nitrogen freezers are set up with independent temperature and liquid nitrogen level monitoring systems.
  • Alarm Systems: Storage tanks are connected to multiple alarm call out systems providing additional safety measures 24-hours a day, seven days a week.
  • Burglar Alarms: For controlled access to our facilities, entrances are equipped with alarm systems including motion detectors and monitors on the doors and windows. 
  • 24-hour Coverage: Cryobank staff are on call and readily available to report to the facility during and after hours, weekends and holidays.
  • Back-Up Systems: To assure the safekeeping of your cryopreserved specimens, auto-fill storage tanks are equipped with backup power and a designated auxiliary freezer is kept onsite.