• Find a Donor
  • FaceMatch®
Non-ID donors agree to participate as sperm donors, but have asked not to have their identifying information shared with recipients or adult children. Non-ID donors provide detailed non-identifying information for their medical and personal profiles.

ID donors provide the same non-identifying, detailed level of information, testing and screening, but they agree to allow Fairfax Cryobank to release identifying information, upon request, to your registered child once they reach 18, or older.

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Donor Category:
  • Any
  • 152 cm
  • 154 cm
  • 157 cm
  • 160 cm
  • 162 cm
  • 165 cm
  • 167 cm
  • 170 cm
  • 172 cm
  • 175 cm
  • 177 cm
  • 180 cm
  • 182 cm
  • 185 cm
  • 187 cm
  • 190 cm
  • 193 cm
  • 195 cm
  • 198 cm
  • 200 cm
  • 203 cm
  • 205 cm
  • 208 cm
  • 210 cm
  • Any
  • 154 cm
  • 157 cm
  • 160 cm
  • 162 cm
  • 165 cm
  • 167 cm
  • 170 cm
  • 172 cm
  • 175 cm
  • 177 cm
  • 180 cm
  • 182 cm
  • 185 cm
  • 187 cm
  • 190 cm
  • 193 cm
  • 195 cm
  • 198 cm
  • 200 cm
  • 203 cm
  • 205 cm
  • 208 cm
  • 210 cm
  • 213 cm
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
All donors are high-school or trade school educated at the minimum, with most donors being college educated. Graduate donors are in the process of earning or have completed a post college graduate degree. These donors include: masters level degrees, medical, dental, chiropractic, law (Juris Doctorate), veterinary, optometry, pharmacy, and Ph.D. students and graduates.
A photo series that includes either a Lifetime series of 5-10 photos that span childhood to adulthood and/or an Adult Childhood photo set with one childhood and one adult photo.
Adult Photos Available:
IUI Premium – washed vials that separate the sperm from its natural seminal plasma and frozen in a preserving fluid. The total motile cell count is 10 million per vial.

ICI Premium – unwashed vials frozen in its most natural state. ICI Premium contains seminal plasma and require additional processing if used in procedures other than intracervical insemination. The total motile cell count is 10 million per vial.

IUI Or ICI ART – vials have a slightly lower total motile cell count than our IUI Premium and ICI Premium vials. The specimen quality standard for ART vials is 6 million TMC per vials. ART vials can be used individually or combined for insemination.

IUI ART vials are washed specimens, while ICI ART are unwashed.

ICSI Unwashed and ICSI Washed – vials have a slightly lower total motile cell count than our ART vials and are available both washed (seminal plasma removed) and unwashed (natural state). The total motile cell count is 3 million per vial. As with ART vials, ICSI vials can be used individually or combined for a procedure. Two ICSI vials are the same as one ART vial.

Check with your physician to determine the specimen type preferred.
Specimen Type:
Donor Brand:
Donor's maternal and paternal ethnic backgrounds can be selected.
Ethnic Background:
Skin tone classifications are within each ancestry group.

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Skin Tone:
Hair Type:
CMV or cytomegalovirus is a flu-like virus to which most adults have been exposed and developed immunity. If you are CMV negative, you should consider restricting your selections to CMV negative donors. Please check with your physician regarding your CMV status prior to placing an order.

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CMV Status:
Age Range at Donation:
Positive Pregnancy:
By selecting a donor whose blood type matches the husband's or partner's blood type, patients may feel more secure about issues related to confidentiality.
Click here to use our blood type predictor tool
Blood Type:
If the mother is Rh- (negative) it may be medically important to consider the donor Rh factor by selecting only Rh- (negative) donors. Please check with your physician for details.
RH Factor:
Donors with an Expanded Panel of Genetic Diseases tested are now available. See more information about our donor genetic screening here.
Genetic Carrier Screening
0 Condition(s) selected
0 Condition(s) selected

Only about 30% of Expanded Panel Donors will be negative for all diseases tested.


If you are a carrier for a specific disease, use the Select option to find more donors that are suitable. Only if you are a carrier for the same disease as the donor, should he be excluded. All negative donors are an option for those who have not had any carrier testing completed.

Taurus: April 21 - May 21
Gemini: May 22 - June 21
Cancer: June 22 - July 22
Leo: July 23 -August 21
Virgo: August 22 - September 23
Libra: September 24 - October 23
Scorpio: October 24 - November 22
Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21
Capricorn: December 22 - January 19
Aquarius: January 20 - February 18
Pisces: February 19 - March 20
Astrological Sign:
Favorite Subject:
Jewish Ancestry:
Favorite Pet:
Personal Goals:
Talents / Hobbies:

FaceMatch® uses the shape of facial features to find a resemblance between the photo you upload and the photos of our donors. FaceMatch® uses shapes but not colors. Ancestry, eye and hair color are not included features in the match so we suggest you select those features that matter to you below to aid in narrowing your search.

Eye Color:
Hair Color:

For your best FaceMatch® results:

Use close up, forward facing, high quality images. See an example here.

Avoid the following when selecting a photo: Facial rotation, heavy beards, thick rimmed glasses, hats.

Results may take 15-60 seconds

Read more, including FAQs, here: FaceMatch® Essentials

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