A new feature is now available to help with your donor selection. Many of our donors have agreed to participate in this unique program.
A profile photograph of the donor has been shaded to show only the line of his side profile.
We believe this is a great way to view the adult donor’s physical characteristics, while keeping his identity private.
Silhouettes may be ordered in the same way as other donor information such as childhood photos by going to the Donor Search and clicking on the donor. You can check if a silhouette is available on each individual donor search page.
Does a handsome or attractive face always correlate with an appealing profile? You can be the judge of that by examining these celebrity profiles. Can you identify the celebrity from his profile? Once you know the celebrity, is his profile what you expected it to look like? To learn who the celebrity profiles are, click here for the answers to the celebrity quiz.
Answers to Celebrity quiz
#1 Matt Damon
#2 Leonardo DeCaprio
#3 George Clooney
#4 Taye Diggs
#5 Tom Cruise