Meet our New Sperm Donors

New Sperm Donor Availability

New sperm donors who are currently listed on the Donor Search have or will have available specimens for sale. Specimens release every month from quarantine, so if a donor has no availability at the current time, we anticipate he will have units available soon. Another option is to sign up for donor availability notifications if there is currently no availability in the specimen type you need.

Detailed FAQs about the Donor Availability Notifications are also available and may answer most of your questions.

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New Sperm Donors:

New Fairfax Cryobank sperm donors are listed below in chronological order below.

Donor 7322

Donor 7322 is a bright, kind-hearted man with a mature approach to life. He is devoted to making the world a better place, striving to always think of others when he acts. His work at a non-profit as a computer scientist and volunteer work in his free time are ways he makes his mark on the world. Fluent in three languages, he is working on adding two more to the list. He enjoys traveling, reading, journaling, and hiking. Water polo and kayaking are also things he does in his free time. His easygoing and unflappable nature makes him very easy to talk to. His bright blue eyes stand out against his dark, unruly, wavy hair that he keeps on the long side. His eyes are a striking and vivid light blue. He is very tall with a teddy bear-like disposition. He is very easy-going and has a calming presence.

Donor 6687

Donor 6687 is a family man with a strong work ethic focused on providing for his loved ones. His personality highlights his optimism and humble nature. A devoted father of 2 young boys, he prioritizes spending time with them doing fun outdoor activities. He has a successful career in IT, and has an a MBA as well. This donor loves to learn about math and technology and its applications in mechanical work. He lives a healthy lifestyle including eating organic foods and staying fit biking, hiking and strength training. He has a deep respect for tradition and prides himself on giving to others in any capacity. His most noticeable feature is thick, straight, and voluminous black hair. His eyes are deep set and are curtained by thick brown eyebrows. This donor’s personal style is very colorful, yet casual and comfortable.

Donor 7348

Donor 7348 is a personable, easy-going software engineering manager with a big heart. He aspires to be happy, peaceful, and disciplined in his life. His approach to life is to be kind and stay focused on the tasks at hand. He’s passionate about watching team sports and especially loves basketball, baseball, and soccer. He is an active man who enjoys swimming, golfing, and running in his free time. Very competitive and fit, he trains and races in marathons and triathlons. Winter is his favorite season as he has fond memories enjoying skiing and snowboarding on family trips. He has an intricate tattoo that is colorful, unique, and eye catching. This is a sweet, kind man who wants to help those achieve their goal of having a family.

Donor 7254

Donor 7254 is a driven and mature man who is a long-term planner. Motivated by an entrepreneurial spirit, his aspirations are to venture into business ownership. He displays an unwavering work ethic, determination, and sociable nature. He comes from a nurturing and family-centric upbringing. He is well-spoken and thoughtful and takes the world seriously. In his professional life, he has discovered a deep-seated passion as a business broker, where his skills align seamlessly with his career aspirations. He harbors high expectations for personal growth. He is an avid reader. Committed to maintaining his fitness, he likes working out and playing hockey. This donor consistently presents himself in a professional manner, reflecting a commitment to a polished and well-groomed image.

Donor 7246

Donor 7246 embodies the spirit of relentless determination. An accomplished leader, he speaks his mind freely. Raised with an unyielding push for excellence in academics and athletics, he cherishes his upbringing, which has shaped his character. He has great pride in his Marine Corps service, a chapter that strengthened his character. His dream is to join the elite ranks of the FBI as a Special Agent. Family time is a cherished oasis, often spent navigating the gentle waters of a lake, boating, swimming, or tubing. His vibrant blue eyes sparkle with an enigmatic charm. Dimples playfully accentuate his rounded face, adding to his distinctive allure. His physique speaks to a dedication to keeping his body in pristine condition, a testament to his unwavering commitment to his health.

Donor 7069

Donor 7069 embodies a blend of humility and ambition. His commitment to integrity, instilled in him from a young age, reflects his patient, understanding, and polite demeanor. He wakes up each day and strives to be the greatest version of himself. Despite an upbringing that embraced structure and discipline, this donor finds happiness in life’s simplest pleasures, such as the joy of those around him or a warm chocolate-chip cookie. He possesses an impeccable physique, exuding strength and athleticism with a super-hero-like build. His fashion choices reflect a keen sense of style and emphasize his overall professional, put-together look. A well-groomed beard and mustache complement his square jawline, while dark curls fall over his forehead to add a touch of charm. He has full lips and arched eyebrows that frame alluring dark-brown eyes with long lashes that leave a lasting impression of confidence and allure.

Donor 7077

Donor 7077 has a magnetic, charming energy. His fun-loving nature lights up the room. He cares deeply about others and looks for ways to help when he can. This donor loves fixing old cars, and he dreams of creating a program to give vehicles to parents in need. He is eager to rise to life’s challenges, and he aims to learn a lesson from every experience. Working on staying fit, drawing and riding his motorcycle keep him busy in his free time. His handsome features include a radiant smile, perfectly framed by his full lips. His curly auburn hair cascades effortlessly around his face, adding a touch of beachy, youthful charm to his appearance. His bright, expressive eyes reflect a sense of kindness and depth.

Donor 7072

Donor 7072 is a very confident and positive professional. He has an outgoing and friendly personality that is complemented by a very sharp mind that excels at critical thinking and problem solving. His enthusiasm for personal growth and care for his loved ones make him a truly inspiring individual. He is very passionate about his career, and at a young age has already lived a dynamic life, transitioning from professional sports to real estate and is a devoted father. When he is not working at his goals, this donor loves to play video games and watch fantasy and sci-fi movies. He has a composed and inviting appearance, accentuated by clear hazel eyes that exude intelligence and warmth. He has neatly styled hair and a clean-shaven face that, along with his usual business attire, give him the look of a sophisticated professional. This donor has a bright, confident smile that he is not afraid to show off while chatting with others.

Donor 7121

Donor 7121 is a bright and successful entrepreneur who strives to always do the right thing. He is a happy man with genuine charisma and a laid-back nature. When he greets you, he has a warm smile and laughs easily. He admires efficiency and organizational skills and thrives under pressure. He enjoys exploring new things and is always ready to embark on a business venture or new experience. In his free time, he likes to play piano and guitar or go outside to fish and swim. Every time he talks about his daughter, he shows genuine joy. He is attractive and tall, with dark features. His expressive brown eyes are framed by thick brows. When he smiles, his happiness with life shines.

Donor 6590

Donor 6590 is passionate about the arts; he loves to sing, play the guitar and several other stringed instruments. He also enjoys acting and ballroom dancing. With a degree in musical arts, he is an accomplished voice instructor, and respects the hard work and passion it takes to succeed. He dreams of traveling around the world performing his own music. During his down time, he can be seen reading books on philosophy and science. He values being healthy and living a harmonious life, staying fit playing soccer, practicing meditation and cooking nutritious foods. He believes that being open-minded and motivated are key traits to leading a fulfilling life. This donor can captivate you with his electric blue eyes and bright smile. He is tall with a lean build. He greets people with a cheerful and energetic voice that conveys his outgoing character.

Donor 7305

Donor 7305 is a soft spoken, kindhearted man. He believes it is important to be polite, well-mannered and give more than you receive. Well-read and open to new experiences, he seeks out connections with others, even with those that are very different from him. He is a spiritual person who believes that there is more to this world than can be physically observed. His free time is often spent outside, enjoying time with his dog, hiking and jogging. He has a strong work ethic and takes great satisfaction in a job well done. His big smile is ever-present, and he has the beginning of laugh lines. His lovely green eyes nicely complement his warm ivory skin.

Donor 7065

Donor 7065 is an affable and resilient young man who is guided by strong family values. He has an uncanny ability to face life’s challenges head-on and recognize the silver lining in any situation. This donor has a great sense of humor and can find a laugh just about anywhere. Though cheerful and outgoing, this donor also values moments of stillness and peace where he can reflect on the day’s events. He is active and enjoys fishing, hunting, biking and is currently training for his first marathon. A current ROTC student, he aspires to be a military officer one day. He is a broad-shouldered young man that carries himself with confidence. His auburn hair, meticulously groomed and swept to the side, frames a face adorned with a charming smile that can light up a room. The infectious warmth of his grin reaches his eyes, causing them to crinkle at the corners with genuine joy. His trimmed beard and mustache, adds a touch of rugged refinement to his appearance.

Donor 7250

Donor 7250 is a cheerful and mellow person with an optimistic outlook on life. Characterized by honesty, diligence, selflessness, and affection, he holds fatherhood in the highest esteem, cherishing the prominent role it plays in his life. Devoted to his family, he gets great pleasure from witnessing his daughter’s growth and takes in all moments spent together, whether exploring new experiences, visiting the zoo, or engaging in outdoor pursuits. During spare time, he finds relaxation in watching UFC or basketball matches and enjoys coaching and grilling for his family. Committed to his profession in banking, he is a hard worker, yet he emphasizes the importance of maintaining a harmonious work-life equilibrium. He is a handsome and fit man with dark brown eyes that exude depth and warmth.

Donor 7249

Donor 7249 has an adventurous and thrill-seeking soul. He enjoys any outdoor activities whether that’s camping, hiking, fly fishing, skiing, or playing hockey. In his professional life, he thrives on the intensity of his role in the field of criminal justice, where each day unfolds as a new chapter filled with challenges and thrills. This high-stakes environment not only speaks to his resilience but also reflects a deep sense of purpose in contributing to a safer community. He has a strong passion for traveling to new places. He is a very genuine, enthusiastic, and attentive person. Staying close to those he loves is a priority. This donor has a striking physical presence characterized by his tall stature, athletic body type and warm green eyes. He always keeps his face clean-shaven, underscoring a commitment to a neat and polished presentation.

Donor 7235

Donor 7235 is a genuinely kind and nice person who strives each day to treat everyone with respect. He has always been family oriented and believes that this has helped shape who he is today. In his free time, you can find him enjoying the outdoors either canoeing, kayaking, playing pickleball, rock climbing, or camping with friends. Remote spots with natural beauty are his favorite. He thinks connecting with nature is one of the best forms of medicine. He has a passion for football and soccer. He likes to have the same routine each day and truly enjoys his job in sales. He is a cheery and outgoing individual with a naturally loud and deep voice. He has a toned muscular build, wavy dark brown hair, and bright blue eyes.

Donor 7060

Donor 7060 is a dedicated, compassionate and adventurous spirit. His deep admiration for his loved ones is a testament to his ability to recognize and be inspired by the strengths of those around him. A devoted family man, he finds immense joy in spending time with wife and children, whether it’s playing board games or exploring the great outdoors. In his free time, he is a dedicated marathon runner and loves cooking and traveling. He has an open-minded and curious nature. He is a tall, handsome man with tan, sun kissed skin. His bright, charming smile lights up his face, adding a touch of warmth to his confident demeanor. Dark, wavy hair frames his face, and his dark, straight brows and long eyelashes give him a distinguished, movie-star glow.

Donor 6697

Donor 6697 embodies intellectual prowess and physical vitality. Professionally, he is a mastermind in the world of coding, adept at unraveling complex algorithms. He is a very motivated, goal-oriented man. His linguistic versatility extends to three languages, showcasing not only his technical acumen but also cultural breadth that enriches his interactions. At the core of his character lies a robust work ethic, driving him to excel in his career. He maintains a “family first” mindset, prioritizing the well-being and happiness of his loved ones. A new father, he is focused on providing his twin sons a good future. He strives for his life to be a harmonious blend of mental agility, cultural appreciation, and a commitment to well-being. He likes to stay fit and is currently an avid weightlifter. His warm, brown eyes are expressive and convey a sense of depth and thoughtfulness. He keeps his dark brown hair in a buzzcut, and facial hair neatly trimmed. He is a confident man.

Donor 7240

Donor 7240 is a successful IT manager who is a great problem solver. He takes his commitments seriously and is a prompt, respectful, and open-minded person. In his free time, he has a passion for curling and has traveled throughout the world competing. He likes the outdoors, skiing, cycling, or staying at his lake cabin. For many years he played the trumpet and guitar. He has a practical approach to life, being responsible financially and doing what needs to be done in his career to advance. He has a healthy work life balance and seeks out his family and friends whenever possible. He has light fair skin, bright blue eyes, and thick strawberry blond hair.

Donor 6678

Donor 6678 is a kind, responsible and polite man. He is active-duty military and is proud to be serving his country. He is also a professional level vocalist and choral musician. This donor hopes to earn an MFA in choral conducting in the future. He has already earned undergraduate and graduate degrees in Electrical Engineering and works on submarines and aircraft carriers for the Navy. He enjoys sports like volleyball, basketball, and even trapeze. This donor aims to find a balance between military service, engineering, choral conducting, and physical fitness in his everyday life. Tall with an athletically sturdy frame, his most magnetic feature is his green eyes. The sage green middle is surrounded by a ring of dark green and blue. Donor 6678’s style is refined, yet relaxed. He has a very comfortable and stylish presence that is welcomed by all.

Donor 7307

Donor 7307’s approach to life is to find joy and gratefulness while living in the moment each day. An obvious character trait is his kindness. Music plays a huge role in his life. He enjoys making music, whether it be playing, composing, or recording his own songs. In addition to playing the guitar, he also plays the piano, keyboard, and bass, and has been singing for years. He also has a great sense of humor. He strives to progress his career and reach his economic goals in data analytics and aspires to become a Business Intelligence Director. Donor 7307 comes from a simple world where family, friends, and neighbors are very important, which has helped shape the caring person he is today. Taking spontaneous road trips is a favorite family activity. He keeps up his athleticism through strength and weight training. He has a welcoming and bright smile that goes well with his mellow and relaxed personality.