Fairfax Cryobank Provides Donor Sperm for Male Infertility
Curious to learn more about how to use a sperm donor when dealing with male infertility? This page provides more information on the donor selection process, testimonials from other couples facing male infertility that used our sperm bank, and more.
Donor sperm is an option used by many couples facing male infertility. Male infertility accounts for upwards of 1/3 of all infertility. Our team understands that the stress of infertility can be difficult. We are particularly sensitive to all the aspects facing couples dealing with infertility because we are part of a larger infertility institute (Genetics & IVF Institute) that has been providing comprehensive infertility services since 1983. We are well equipped to help as you navigate the donor sperm selection and ordering process. We encourage you to read the stories below from other couples who have used Fairfax Cryobank.

Male Infertility Family Building Resources
- Fairfax Family Forums: Connect with other families facing infertility too
- Creating a Family: A nonprofit providing education and resources for infertility and adoption
Male Infertility Testimonials

“After being diagnosed with male factor infertility (MFI), deciding to grow our family using donor sperm, and beginning the search for a cryobank, coming across Fairfax and seeing all they offered, was a breath of fresh air. The customer support is unmatched, you get to speak with a real person every time you call in, and they are compassionate and kind. Fairfax’s FaceMatch technology, in addition to all of the free information you are able to obtain, without even creating an account, made choosing our donor a breeze.
Since sharing our journey on social media, we have had so many couples reach out to us asking for cryobank recommendations, and we don’t even have to second guess referring them to Fairfax. We have used donor sperm from Fairfax Cryobank for two IUI’s and plan on using them again for our third. Our second IUI with Fairfax donor sperm, was actually successful, even though it sadly ended in an early loss, Fairfax gave us that opportunity to finally see a positive pregnancy test after two years, and we are confident we will be able to hold a baby in our arms in the near future, thanks to Fairfax. Coming to the decision to use a donor can be really hard on some couples, but choosing Fairfax Cryobank is definitely far from a hard choice. We will forever be grateful to Fairfax’s staff, technology, and donors.“
-Morgan & Wyatt Honeyman (Instagram @themohoney & Facebook @journey2babyh)
“First of all, a big thank you to Fairfax and our donor! I love my little family. My husband and I were married for a short time when we decided we no longer wanted to wait to have children. We tried for a year without any success. We decided it was time to talk to doctors to see what was going on even though nobody wants to ever do that. After testing both of us, it came back that my husband has azoospermia. We attempted a surgery to see if we could find any sperm. When we got the news that it was unsuccessful, we grieved the loss of the children we would never get to have together. Then we decided to jump right into what our options were and what the best fit was for us. We decided that sperm donor was our best option. After 4 months of deciding and making sure we had our ducks in a row, it was time. We were lucky enough to be successful with our first IUI procedure. We ended up having a healthy little girl who is full of smiles. We are a little biased, but we thinks she is one of the most beautiful babies we’ve ever seen. We cannot wait to give her more biological siblings and keep growing our family.”
– TM

“My wife and I were married for only a few months when we decided to try for a baby. There were a lot of ups and downs in that effort, but after a year or so with nothing happening, we visited a few doctors and discovered that while my wife was good to go (she had a child from a previous relationship, so that seems likely), that I wasn’t able to do my part in the process. We went back and forth on what that meant for our family, until early 2021 where we finally decided to truly pursue a donor. We bought two sets of vials and worked out the timing with her doctor, knowing we didn’t have that many shots at it. The insemination itself went well and then there was nothing to do but wait. On the afternoon of Easter Sunday I got home from playing in the band at church to a gift bag. Inside was a onesie and the positive test. The pregnancy itself was uneventful, but our little guy decided to stay in utero past his due date, before arriving very quickly 6 days later before my rock star wife delivered him the old fashion way. Simon Robert was born on December 3 and we are so happy he’s here! God is good and it is hard to imagine our life without our little guy.“
– The Morrison Family

“I gave birth to boy/girl twins in January, 2005 at 37 1/2 weeks. They were both perfect. I thank God daily that my husband was so giving, he is truly my hero. My children are his in every way that matters and it is only a rare moment when he remembers that they do not share his DNA. My children are now almost two and a half years old.”
“Two years ago, my husband and I discovered that we were having infertility problems. After many months of testing and some quite invasive procedures, we were devastated to learn that his body just would not produce any sperm. As you can imagine, we went through the whole gamut of emotions. Fortunately, I was given a clean bill of health and using a donor was suggested by our reproductive endocrinologist. It took us many months to decide to go with a donor. The road to the decision was often an awkward and uncomfortable one. Our story was complicated by the fact that of all the Cryobanks in the nation (actually world), very few had any African American donors. To make matters even more difficult, we wanted a donor who would closely match some of my husband’s key features. That meant we needed to find an African American donor who was tall (over 6’3″) and had at least a Master’s level education. Fairfax Cryobank was the only facility with a donor who matched our requirements. Your website made searching and ordering products very easy. The staff’s professionalism with every order and shipment was outstanding! We never felt uncomfortable during any part of the process. We are happy to report that we are currently 5 weeks pregnant! Thank you, Fairfax, for your dedication to helping us start our family!”
– LM
“I was 20 when I met my husband. e were both college students, young and carefree. He was sensitive, funny, kind, and I knew he would make an excellent husband and father. We were married a year after graduation and eagerly were awaiting children. My husband had a significant medical history as a baby and, during his childhood, underwent multiple surgeries. After we were married, I requested all of his medical records from his parents and we sat down one night to read them. We were shocked and horrified to read that one of the doctors had performed a vasectomy during surgery for a recurrent pelvic infection. We confirmed his sterility with a urologist the next week. I was devastated. We grieved the loss of our biological children. I couldn’t look at pregnant women, and I felt that I had no one to confide in as this was such a private and sensitive issue. Once we came to terms with our unique situation, we began to look at our options: we considered adoption and donor sperm, and even donor sperm from a friend. In the end, I was young and healthy and I wanted to experience pregnancy. My loving husband agreed and we found Fairfax Cryobank online. At first, it was very difficult for us to choose a donor. I felt like I had already chosen my children’s father when I married my husband. In the end, I narrowed the list down to 3-5 donors and put my husband in charge of the final selection. Our first son was conceived by Clomid and IUI. We were pregnant after two months with a Reproductive Endocrinologist. Our son was born in October of 2004. He is perfect and beautiful. We are now expecting twins next week with the same donor. Our family is complete, there are no regrets, and we could not be happier.One day we plan to tell our children about our infertility journey. We have purchased all of the information available about our “angel donor” from this site so our children can have it if they wish. We are grateful to Fairfax for allowing us to turn a very painful and devastating problem into such a personal miracle”
– JH
“We have a beautiful, healthy baby boy who was born in February 2006. We are trying it again for our second child. The best thing is, he still looks like his daddy even though our child is not his biologically!”
“Thank you to my wonderful cousin and her openness to traditional surrogacy! With the help of Fairfax Cryobank, my husband and I now have a beautiful son who just turned 6 years old this past summer. Without Fairfax, we would not be parents!”
– ME
“My husband and I both have dealt with fertility issues since adolescence. We entered our marriage knowing that our desire to have children in our lives was so strong that we knew God would find a way to make it work. After years of trying a myriad of fertility techniques, medications, and testing procedures, we had many long discussions about our next step. We knew about donor sperm and did some preliminary research. We both loved the idea of sharing the experience of pregnancy and childbirth, and how being a parent to a child was more important than being genetically connected to that child. After all of this, we chose a donor from Fairfax Cryobank and went through two cycles of fertility drugs and procedures. After the third intrauterine insemination, we went in for a pregnancy test, fearing for the worst. But we were overjoyed to learn that we were pregnant! After a joyful but somewhat challenging pregnancy, our son was born in November of 2004. He is the healthiest child in all of our playgroups and classes, he is incredibly intelligent (bringing us to wonder how we will keep up with him in the future!) and a joyful little boy. We could not be happier. Okay, we COULD be happier and are going back to try to bring home a sibling for our son. We are using the same donor and fertility specialist, and hope that all will go well again. Thank you, Fairfax Cryobank, for giving us the opportunity to become parents and to experience the joys and challenges so many people go through on the road to parenthood!”
“My husband is 34 and I am 30. He has a low sperm count and immobile sperm. We tried to conceive for four long years, I never thought that we would ever be parents. When my doctor mentioned Fairfax, I was really cautious and excited. After discussing it with my husband, we began doing research. Of course it was very scary in the beginning; but, I never felt like an oddity or a number by Fairfax. No matter what questions I asked, someone always gave me a clear answer without judgment. My husband and I are so blessed because we got pregnant after our first IUI!! This never would have been possible without Fairfax. We want to thank Fairfax, as well as the donors. I am sure it must have been a difficult decision to donate and also a difficult process too. Dreams are coming true every day because of all of you and I just wanted to say thank you.”
– AS
“I am so excited to announce that I am expecting a baby in January due to the Cryobank. We have tried to conceive for the last three years and we turned to the Cryobank as our last option. I participated in the procedure six times before it worked. I am still in shock that I am pregnant. We adopted a newborn baby five months ago and decided to try the Cryobank one more time. I did not want to give up on my dream of having my own, natural baby. I am now going to be blessed with two babies, one year apart in age!!! I can not express my gratitude to my sperm donor. He has given me what I could not have without him. I am so thankful for the bank. If it was not for the bank, my husband and I would not ever be able to conceive. Thank you so much for giving us happiness that is so hard to put into words.”
“Thanks to all of you, my dreams came true! I can not say how wonderful it is to be a mother and it would not have happened if it were not for Fairfax Cryobank (and our Donor). I have a beautiful two-year-old daughter who is the world to me and my husband. My husband had a vasectomy with his previous marriage and we were told that even if it was reversed, there still was not a great chance of getting pregnant. We decided that artificial insemination would be our best bet. We were on the computer and were searching different sites. This site was the most informative and gave us so much information. We narrowed our search down to five donors. Out of those five donors, we looked at the childhood photos. Our Donor was the last picture we opened and our hearts both melted. We decided that this was to be Kylie’s biological father. We purchased the semen immediately and had it shipped to Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia. I was inseminated a few weeks later! To everyone’s amazement, I was pregnant on the first try!!! We were so excited; I started on the nursery immediately. Thank you so much again, and I hope everyone out there knows how wonderful this site is.”
“Kendall is our life! Our donor will never know how much we appreciate what he did for our family. Kendall is the most beautiful baby boy; I did not realize how beautiful he was going to be. God bless our donor. We say a little prayer every night for our donor and our doctor. They are two very important people to our family! Thank you so much to our donor for giving me happiness.”
“My husband and I have been married for almost fifteen years. We were unable to conceive a child on our own due to the fact that my husband had Leukemia as a child. We had attempted a pregnancy six years ago using donor sperm without success. This time, we were inseminated once and achieved a pregnancy. It was the best day of our lives. On July 2007, I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. She is perfect, the light of our lives, we wonder how we ever lived without her. If it was not for sperm donors, we would not have our daughter today. We understand that she is a very special gift and we will treasure that gift forever.”
– MD