Sperm Donor Birth Limits

Fairfax Cryobank’s sperm donor birth limits

Fairfax Cryobank limits sperm donor births by limiting the number of families (children from the same donor born to the same parents) that can be created by a donor.  We consider a family to be created when a person or couple has a child using one of our donors.  Once 25 individual families have been reported in the US, we stop distributing the donor’s vials to new clients in the US.  Once 15 families have been reported outside the US, we stop distributing the donor’s vials to new clients outside the US.

After a donor’s family limit has been met, any remaining vials will be made available only to families who already have children using that donor. 

We also monitor the reported location of births and limit the geographic distribution of a donor consistent with American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) guidelines.

Fairfax takes steps to limit the total number of vials a donor may produce. We do not collect additional specimens from a donor once he has produced a number of vials that are statistically likely to lead him to reach our family limits. We also rely on families to report their pregnancies and births to us as soon as possible so we can keep an accurate and timely count.  Please use the pregnancy reporting page to report your pregnancies and births, and if you are in touch with other families that have used the same donor, please encourage them to report their births if they have not already done so.

You can read more about our efforts to maintain family limits on our blog.

Reserve Donor Program

Unlike our Standard birth limits, the Reserve Donor program offers more limited donor access to families seeking more exclusive options.

Reserve Donors are only sold to 10 families worldwide and have a 3 vial sale minimum per family slot.