Donor 6966
Donor 6966 is a charming and high-achieving man who believes that everyone has the potential to accomplish their dreams. He has a degree in horticulture and loves taking care of plants and watching them grow. One of his most rewarding life experiences was completely renovating a farm. He enjoys “the chase” and is always pushing himself to pursue more challenging new goals and projects; for example, he’s currently earning his second degree, a bachelor’s in computer science. He has an eclectic taste in music and is talented at playing many instruments including alto saxophone, violin, and the ukelele. He likes reading science fiction and watching happy-go-lucky comedies. He also enjoys travelling, especially to warmer climates with beaches so he can go surfing. He admires trust, loyalty, and hard work, and encourages everyone to believe in themselves and pursue their dreams. Tall, athletic, and handsome, he carries himself with relaxed confidence. He has bronze skin that easily tans, and thick, curly black hair that he keeps long and well-maintained. His lean and muscular physique makes it clear that he has a healthy and active lifestyle.