5 Things You Need Know about Fairfax Cryobank’s Fairfax FaceMatch®
Learn more about how you can find the perfect sperm donor match with Fairfax FaceMatch®

When starting your journey to find the perfect sperm donor for you and your growing family, many variables go into the process. One being, finding similar characteristics of your partner, a family member, friend, or celebrity with your sperm donor. Fairfax Cryobank wanted to create a resource for our clients to make the sperm donor process as easy as possible. This led to the creation of Fairfax FaceMatch®. This easy-to-use technology allows you to find that ideal sperm donor that looks just like your partner, family member, friend, or even a celebrity of any gender. Read on to learn about the 5 things you need to know about Fairfax FaceMatch®
1. What is Fairfax FaceMatch®?
The Fairfax FaceMatch® technology uses an intuitive algorithm to find similarities between the photo you uploaded and the adult photos of our donors. While comparing the shape of facial features. Matches are rated based on a High, Med, Low scale, where High matches occur infrequently. It is also free to use this resource.

2. How do I perform a Fairfax FaceMatch®?
The first thing you are going to want to do is to visit Fairfax Cryobank’s Donor Search. From there you are going to scroll to the bottom of the page and find the section for Fairfax FaceMatch®. This will then prompt you to choose a photo of your partner of any gender or a celebrity you would like to match with a donor. You will also have the opportunity to fill in what ancestry, eye color, and hair color you are looking for. The more search parameters you fill out, the smaller your results will be. Results may take up to 15-60 seconds to load.
3. What if I only get “low match” results?
If you have limited your search results by ancestry, eye, or hair color, consider widening your search criteria to allow the system to match the largest number of donors. Please be sure your photo image meets the “best photo” recommendations. This includes a close, cropped photo with good lighting and a high-quality image. The subject should be facing forward and making eye contact.
4. What type of image can I use?
The system will accept any standard image file such as .jpg, .bmp, or .gif.
5. I want to learn more about my favorite donors. How do I do that?
Fairfax Cryobank has two services that are available to help you. Our Donor Selection Consultation service staff can go over details of your Fairfax FaceMatch® results or provide an in-depth counseling service for those who need assistance in selecting a donor. You will need to set up an appointment for this by calling Client Services at 800-338-8407.
Fairfax also offers our Photo Consults which allow you to select a group of preferred donors from our donor list and then provide us a photo of someone you would like us to compare the selected group of donors to. Photo Consults are customized to meet your specific needs and are able to see adult photos of donors that are not available on their profile.
Start your journey to find your perfect sperm donor match today by visiting Fairfax Cryobank’s donor search and learn more about Fairfax FaceMatch® by visiting our resource page here.