Why we love our jobs at Fairfax Cryobank: Online chat

August 15, 2011

We recently asked our client service reps what makes them love their jobs at Fairfax Cryobank. Overwhelmingly, it was the ability to help someone along their journey to parenthood. Enjoy these little glimpses into the days of our fabulous customer service team and how they each make a difference in the lives of our clients!

Blog written by Client Services Staff Kristie

Recently, I was helping a patient over our new online chat feature. The patient was stressed because she had not yet submitted her required paperwork, and the credit card she wanted to use for her order had recently been stolen. Because of the theft, she would have to wait several days to receive a new credit card and be able to place her order with Fairfax Cryobank.

She was very worried that the donor she had chosen was going to sell out because he only had a few units left. I explained that our courtesy hold option would ensure that the remaining units would not sell out and would give her enough time to receive her new credit card, and I also offered to help her with her paperwork immediately. Upon hearing this, she was so happy she said she almost felt like crying. I understand that the donor selection process can be stressful and overwhelming, but my assistance really made her day! I try to remember this situation whenever I’m helping a patient, because you never know what the patient is going through to try and start their family!

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