Your Future Family: The Essential Guide to Assisted Reproduction Book Review

May 01, 2019

Authored by: Michelle Ottey, PhD, HCLD
Laboratory Director, Fairfax Cryobank

A friend of Fairfax Cryobank, Kim Bergman PhD, has written a wonderful guide to Assisted Reproduction, Your Future Family. For those who are ready to start their family building journey, this is a wonderful resource and guide to navigating the process. Choosing to have a child is an exciting decision, but for those who need to include assisted reproduction through use of donor gametes (sperm or egg), donor embryo, a gestational carrier, or a surrogate, it is also the beginning of a series of decisions that will be required throughout a journey to a child. This book will help in making those decisions.

Kim is a licensed psychologist with decades of experience with gay and lesbian parenting, and third party assisted reproduction, as well as her personal experience building her beautiful family. She has complied her rich experience and expertise into this guide that will become a go to resource.

The book outlines the journey starting with the first steps one should take, through the options at each step. There is a wonderful resource guide included and helpful advice at each step, from understanding donor screening and testing, to choosing a donor, to parentage questions. She also covers the legal questions that are important when working with a surrogate.

We recommend this comprehensive and thoughtful book to anyone who wants a resource in hand as they begin the wonderful journey to parenthood.

Your Future Family: The Essential Guide to Assisted Reproduction goes on sale May 1st.

Dr. Kim Bergman, Growing Generations

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