Donors still Surprise Me

February 27, 2012

Blog written by Fairfax Cryobank Staff MM

After working here at the Cryobank for almost 5 years now, I still get surprised by how kind our donors are. I’m expecting my second child in March and one of our donors actually came up to me, asked if I was expecting and then he asked if he could touch my belly? He was so excited for me and every time he comes in now he asks how I’m feeling and if the baby is kicking. Not what I’d expect from most men, especially ones that I’m not close with. It’s just amazing to me the genuinely kindheartedness of our donors here at the Cryobank. We also have a retired donor that still pops in the office every couple of months just to say hello and drop off a new mix cd he’s burned for us. It is really touching to get to experience such kindness at the workplace.

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