FaceMatch™ and the Sexiest Man

January 17, 2012

Blog written by Fairfax Cryobank Genetic CounselorSuzanne Seitz, MS

It is fun to show how we have donors with a high resemblance to attractive men in the media. Fairfax Facematch™ takes a scientific approach and nothing is left to a personal opinion. It is based on a system of 44 points on the face that create a mathematical formula and then matches that to our available donors. I hear all the time how much people like using it. In less than 11 months since its introduction on our website, over 20,000 photos have been uploaded.

About 6 months ago I was making a presentation to the medical staff of a large infertility practice. To make the talk a bit more interesting, I added a section on FaceMatch ™. I showed how a photo could be uploaded into the site to create the ‘match’. I used a celebrity photo as an example of what you could upload into FaceMatch. I chose a photo of Bradley Cooper- a very nice, attractive photo of Bradley Cooper. I had everyone’s attention. There were lots of ‘Ahhhs’ from the audience. I wasn’t surprised when I saw several months later that he was this year’s Sexiest Man in People Magazine.

With over 20,000 photos uploaded into FaceMatch ™, I wonder how many of them were of Bradley Cooper?

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