Organizations that focus on fertility and family issues

April 25, 2011

Fairfax Cryobank is dedicated to the creation of healthy, happy families. Over the years, we have helped people in many different situations achieve their dream of having a family. Couples dealing with infertilty, single women, same-sex couples, etc.

Fairfax Cryobank collaborates with some wonderful organizations that focus on fertiity issues and family issues. Here are a few:

Fertility Authority – An online source for male and female fertilty issues. Our director, Dr. Michelle Ottey is a featured blogger!

Choice Moms, a forum for support, insight, and resources for single moms by choice and for single women considering motherhood

Single Mothers by Choice, an online source of information and support for single women considering motherhood and single mothers by choice

GLMA (Gay and Lesbian Medical Association)

Family Equality Forum, whose focus is advancing LGBT civil rights

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