Stress may hinder fertility chances

July 23, 2014

Blog written by Fairfax Cryobank Family Forum Moderator Desiree

It is well known that excessive, chronic stress can negatively affect the health of our bodies. Deciding to start a family is a very big decision and life change for many people. It is only natural to start feeling some anxiety and increased tension after several unsuccessful tries to conceive a child. Some women on the Fairfax Cryobank Family Forum discussion boards attribute their fertility struggles to overwhelming stress.

They claim as they reduced or eliminated stress they had a successful insemination. But it isn’t easy to calm your nerves when all you want is to have a happy, healthy family. So here are some suggestions from some women on the forum to help you reduce stress levels during this process:

  • Become educated on the insemination process. The extra research and knowledge will help you feel more in control of your situation and your choices.
  • Trust your intuition and your body. If something doesn’t feel right to you, discuss it with your doctor. Many women on the board ended up switching doctors because they weren’t comfortable with their first one.
  • Get a massage the day before your insemination. This is not only a great way to reduce extra muscle tension, but it also gives you some time to calm your mind and relax.
  • Some women on the forum utilized acupuncture to reduce stress and enhance fertility.
  • Fresh air is a must for good health and low stress. Go for a brisk walk outside and enjoy the outdoors.
  • Try your best to stay positive during the two week wait after your insemination until you know if it worked. This may be the longest two weeks of your life, so try to keep your mind focused on other activities.

Visit the Fairfax Cryobank Family Forums to get encouragement from others who have gone through the same thing. Good luck on reducing your stress. Once you have your baby a whole new level of stress will develop. But that is for another post.

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