How to find the right sperm donor
Our guide to help you narrow down and find the right sperm donor to help you grow your family
Blog written by Fairfax Cryobank Laboratory Director, Michelle Ottey, PhD.
Information varies by sperm bank, but generally, there is a lot of information out there. You can learn a lot about individual donors as well as their family. The goal of the sperm banks is to provide you with information that will help you choose the right sperm donor for you and your family.

How to find the right sperm donor
Many banks offer Donor Childhood Photos. Photos of the donor are usually between 6 months and 6 years of age. Some banks offer one photo other offer several photos. Some Sperm Banks offer Adult or Lifetime Photos. Donors provide a series of photos from infancy through adulthood. You may like a Donor Silhouette, a profile photograph of the donor that has been shaded to show only the line of his side profile. This is a great way to view the adult donor’s physical characteristics, yet keep him anonymous.
Some Sperm Banks offer Donor Audio Interviews that provide insightful information into the donor’s childhood, aspirations, accomplishments, values, family life, and personal interests in his own words.
Most Sperm Banks have Donor Summary Profiles that highlight the significant medical and genetic histories of the donor and his family. There are also Donor Medical History Profiles; detailed background medical, family history information on the donor, his siblings, parents, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. They also include genetic disease testing the donor had done during the screening process. They give extensive medical history information including a list of medical conditions in relatives. There are Donor Personal Profiles that share detailed personal information about the donor, his siblings, parents, and grandparents. Some of the donor’s personal information includes his interests and goals, academic scores, military record, specific facial features, and other details about family members.
Some Sperm Banks offer Personality Testing and you can also select to have the testing done on yourself and then compare your results to that of the donor. Donors often provide essays that are a series of questions and answers that tell you a little more about our donors on a personal level.
Many people like donor staff impressions. These are written by staff members who work directly with donors on a daily basis. Most are written, however, a few have staff audio clips talking about the donor as well.
If you need additional help finding your donor match, many banks offer matching services.