Why we love our jobs at Fairfax Cryobank: Manic Mondays

November 07, 2016

We recently asked our client service reps what makes them love their jobs at Fairfax Cryobank. Overwhelmingly, it was the ability to help someone along their journey to parenthood. Enjoy these little glimpses into the days of our fabulous customer service team and how they each make a difference in the lives of our clients!

Blog written by Client Services Staff Alejandra

Mondays are always our busiest day of the week, I like to refer to them as Manic Mondays! A couple Monday’s ago I received an email from a patient who seemed overwhelmed by the donor selection process and how to set up an account on our website. On top of all of this, she wanted to make the cut-off for same day shipping at 2pm EST. I’m pleased to say I was able to obtain all the documentation required from her and her physician’s office in time to meet the deadline. Later that afternoon, she replied, “thank you very much for your help this morning. You have saved the day!” I must say this was a marvelous way to end my Manic Monday, with a smile on my face and a pleased patient at the other end!

Fairfax Cryobank Blog

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