Why we love our jobs at Fairfax Cryobank: Small Gestures

November 14, 2016

We recently asked our client service reps what makes them love their jobs at Fairfax Cryobank. Overwhelmingly, it was the ability to help someone along their journey to parenthood. Enjoy these little glimpses into the days of our fabulous customer service team and how they each make a difference in the lives of our clients!

Blog written by Client Services Staff Bianca

When I’m working with a patient, I strive to put myself in their shoes. I understand how frustrating it can be when things don’t go as planned. One day I received a call from a patient who was trying to have her vials shipped to her home, but she was experiencing some difficulty getting the necessary documents from her doctor’s office. Empathizing with her situation, I called her doctor’s office several times until I was able to help her receive the documents she needed to complete her order with Fairfax Cryobank. The patient was immensely grateful for my help, and even though it was a small gesture on my part, it felt nice to be able to resolve the problem for her. Sometimes it takes one small gesture to make a world of difference.

Fairfax Cryobank Blog

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