How to Support A Friend Living with Infertility
During National Infertility Awareness Week it’s important to support friends and family who are dealing with Infertility

This week Resolve The National Infertility Association brings to light National Infertility Awareness Week. “National Infertility Awareness Week®, (NIAW) is a movement, founded in 1989 by RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association. Its mission is to empower you and change the conversation around infertility.” Through this week Resolve empowers people living with infertility to share their story and their experiences to expel any myths and misinformation others might encounter. Here are a couple of ways you can support a friend living with infertility.
Learn more about infertility
Stay educated with research so when your friend wants to talk about their experience you’re caught up to provide as much support as possible.
Keep them in mind
Don’t forget about your friend during the holidays like Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. These are the days that will hit them the most. They’ll appreciate that you’re still thinking about them.
Be there
They might not ask for it, but they will need you. During difficult doctor appointments or treatments, knowing they have a friend will mean the world.
Support your friend in along their infertility path, to lend an ear and accompany them as needed.
Show you care
At the end of the day, your friend just wants to know you care and are there for them.
If you are looking for more resources about Infertility and National Infertility Awareness Week please visit Resolve’s site here. Also, learn more about how Fairfax Cryobank supports couples living with infertility here.