Improving the Odds When TTC

March 04, 2014

Blog written by Fairfax Cryobank stff JM

So you’re ready to try to conceive. Perhaps you’re in the right place in your career, in your relationship, in your life to start building a family, or maybe you’re ready for a new addition to the family you already have.

Have you thought about improving your chances for conceiving and for a healthy pregnancy?

Having a pre-conception consultation with your doctor is a great place to start! There are so many questions and considerations. Here are a few examples:

• Should you lose a few pounds?

• Have you been taking prenatal vitamins or folic acid supplements?

• Should you chart your basal body temperature and cervical mucus?

• Do you have any health issues that could make TTC difficult?

• Should you have pre-conception testing to determine if you’re a carrier of any genetic disorders you could pass along to a baby?

Is a pre-conception consultation necessary or required? Of course not. But it can be a really helpful tool when you’re TTC. Think of it as a way to open the lines of communication with your doctor. You may learn something you didn’t know.

For instance, did you know that taking folic acid supplements prior to conception (usually in the form of pre-natal vitamins) is one of the most important things you can do to prevent certain birth defects, like Spina Bifida and other neural tube defects. In fact, many doctors recommend starting folic acid supplements at least 3 months before TTC.

So why not improve the odds? Have a pre-conception consultation before you start TTC!

Fairfax Cryobank Blog





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