New Donors of June

14 New Donors Added to Our Donor Catalog
The temperature is rising this June, and so is the number of donors we have added to our catalog! This month Fairfax Cryobank has added 14 new donors. Check out these great donors below, or head over to our donor search to find your perfect donor match.

Non-ID Graduate Donor 5852
Donor 5852 is a very ambitious and strikingly intelligent man. He is analytical, inquisitive, and articulate. This worldly donor requires an entire wall for the degrees, certifications, and honors he has worked so hard to earn. He has two bachelor’s degrees, one in applied mathematics and another in nuclear engineering as well as a master’s degree in mathematical and computational finance. Not only is he incredibly intelligent, but he also likes helping others and volunteers often. He is driven to have a life of meaning. Dedicated to his health, he goes on long runs and lifts weights and plans to train for a triathlon. He also has a way with words; literally, he speaks 4 different languages! He sports a clean-cut look. His five-o clock shadow flatters his round face and full plump lips. Always the professional, he dresses sharply in business attire.

ID Donor 5854
Donor 5854 is calm and easy-going. He has a warm personality and is polite and kind. An avid runner, he has a disciplined schedule and trains for marathons. He is motivated and tenacious. He is a current college student with big dreams of becoming a real estate mogul. When he is not studying, he likes to spend his time being active outside, singing, or creating music on the computer. He looks like the quintessential surfer. He is tall, has an athletic build with toned muscles and tan skin. His frame is perfectly complemented by his baby blue eyes, dark sandy blond hair, and well-defined jaw. You can catch his bright and friendly smile peeking out against his neatly trimmed beard.

ID Donor 5851
Donor 5851 is a highly intelligent, well-spoken young man with a passion for philosophy and politics. He is incredibly altruistic, and his interests in policy stem from his desire to leave the world a better place than he found it. This donor has ambitious goals for himself, and he meticulously plans each day to help him achieve his dreams. He learned from a young age that the best gifts in life are usually intangible and that memories made with those you love are priceless treasures. He likes to keep his body as sharp as his mind, and he swims laps to help him relax after a rigorous study session or debate. He loves the outdoors and tries to get out as often as he can when the weather is favorable. His almond-shaped eyes are beautiful jade green. His full, shapely lips are often pulled into a friendly grin that reveals his straight, white teeth. This donor has a head of dark, curly hair that he keeps trimmed short on the sides and long on top. He has a light, warm complexion that tans easily and he prefers to keep his face clean-shaven. He strongly resembles singer Maluma.

ID Donor 6245
Donor 6245 is cool and collected, and he rarely approaches a task without a plan in mind. As a first-generation American, he aims to make the most of the wealth of opportunity given to him and is currently studying to be a doctor. He is incredibly intelligent, and he managed to maintain a very high GPA in school while also training for triathlons. His grandmother’s stories about living during World War II inspired him to live fully and virtuously. He takes nothing for granted and he keeps his family close. He has a sunny, cheerful smile and full lips. His luminous golden-blond hair is well-trimmed and swept-back casually, giving him the look of a laid-back surfer. This donor’s brilliant blue eyes are framed by fair blond eyelashes and tapered brows. He has a tall, lean build that results from his love of competing in triathlons.

ID Graduate Donor 6056
Donor 6056 is a kind-hearted and deeply caring person. He chose to be a mental health therapist so he could help others. He values his education and is purposeful in his life’s choices. A loving father of three young daughters, he enjoys playing games with them and being an engaged parent. He is always kind to staff and is an easy conversationalist. He has a tall and lean build. His rich skin tone compliments nicely with his salt and pepper hair. He has a great smile and bright eyes. He walks and acts with confidence.

ID Donor 6059
Donor 6059 is a creative man who is a culinary genius. He is a hard worker and aspires to open his own restaurant one day. He is organized and likes things tidy. Problem-solving is a unique trait of his, from doing Rubik’s cubes, playing chess to working on math problems for fun. He is soft-spoken and calm with a very laid-back demeanor. His positive attitude is infectious, and he has a passion for living every day to its fullest. He seems very thoughtful of others. He has a great smile and expressive eyes. His charm really draws you in. He has long brown hair that he keeps styled in a trendy fashion. This donor has an average build but has underlying muscle from keeping active.

ID Donor 6251
Donor 6251 is an entrepreneur at heart and lives his life with integrity and focus. He is a very successful business owner, using his excellent interpersonal skills and a sharp mind to make his dreams a reality. Very disciplined and a man of faith, he has a focus on being a caring person who acts with purpose. He admires resourcefulness and strong character in others and believes that people are defined by how they act when nobody is looking. A devoted family man, he adores his small family. He enjoys playing a wide variety of sports, but his favorite past-time is simply tossing the football ball with his young son. A personal trainer, he is muscular and very fit. He has a bright, friendly smile framed by a dark black beard and mustache that stand out against his warm complexion. He has kind, light brown eyes that shine with interest and encouragement when he speaks to you.

Non-ID Donor 6248
Donor 6248 is an energetic, outgoing man with a passion for life. He is confident and self-assured with a gift for reading others. Believing compassion and respect are the most valuable traits, he sets time aside every day to help someone or let them know they are appreciated. He is an avid music fan and begins each morning with a song to set the mood for the day. Although he is studying finance, his true love is cars, and he has extensive knowledge of their mechanics. He dreams of one day racing a car he built himself. He is a tall, charming man with a commanding, communicative presence. He is very jovial, smiling, and animating with his large, dexterous hands when he speaks. His glittering green eyes are inviting and full of kindness. His curly brown hair is kept at a medium length that adds to his laid-back, easygoing appearance. He looks like singer Charlie Puth.

ID Donor 6624
Donor 6224 is laidback and easy-going and places great value on the little things in life. His can-do attitude has led him to aspire to have his own company one day and run for public office. He keeps his mind and body active by surfing, wakeboarding, and reading non-fiction. He is inspired by those that overcome obstacles in their life by relying on their own ingenuity and intelligence, and he aims to do the same to accomplish his own goals. He has shining hazel eyes and a warm smile. He wears a short, dense beard and moustache that highlights his straight jawline. This donor does not have a childhood photo available due to a house fire, but an adult photo is available.

ID Graduate Donor 6064
Donor 6064 has a joyful approach to life. He is a loving and responsible man who sees the best in others. He grew up in a rural community and values relationships over material things. This donor is very close to his family, specifically his mother who inspired his interest in nursing. He is very hardworking and intelligent but keeps himself humble and grateful. His charm makes him a staff favorite. He has classic good looks. He has a strong jawline to go with an alluring smile. His bright blue eyes are complimented nicely by his well-styled brown hair. He keeps his physique fit and trim. This donor presents himself with poise and confidence.

ID Donor 6232
Donor 6232 is a kindhearted, sophisticated young man with a deep love for his family. He spent a great deal of his childhood helping in his grandmother’s kitchen and the recipes she has passed down to him are among his most precious possessions. He approaches life and people with an open mind, and he isn’t afraid to admit when he’s wrong. He considers himself a lifelong learner, eager to experience new cultures, practice new languages, and learn about the world and its people. He is an attractive, charming young man with a playful grin. His kind eyes are framed by long, dark lashes and straight, dark brows. He has beautiful, voluminous brown hair that he wears in a trendy style. Always well-dressed and well-groomed, he has a radiant, sun-kissed complexion.

ID Graduate Donor 6311
Donor 6311 is a very bright man who is thoughtful and calm. His career path in Financial Economics requires much dedication and hard work and he appears very capable of success. He is very polite and friendly; always wearing a welcoming smile. He is very kind-hearted as well, putting others before himself. In his free time, he loves to cook, read, fence, and play squash. He has alluring hazel eyes and thick, dark brown hair. He has a medium build and a straight, even smile. This donor comes in with casual denim jeans and nicely fitting T-shirts that show off his toned physique. This donor’s boyish charm and approachable persona set him apart from our other donors.

Non-ID Donor 6240
Donor 6240 is a fiercely ambitious and competitive individual whose main goal is to constantly improve himself. His determined attitude is reflected in his athletic skill as he can play competitively in swimming, volleyball, and soccer. When he is not working, he is studying to be a mechanical engineer or hanging out with his family and friends outdoors. He is respectful and punctual and hopes he can instill his positive values in those that surround him. He stands at above average height with a lean, fit figure and moderate frame. His defining feature is his earnest, dark brown eyes that are accentuated by his prominent eyebrows. His dark brown, curly hair matches his dark eyes and beard.

Non-ID Donor 6060
Donor 6060 is a caring man and a devoted father. He has tight bonds with his family and is happiest when he is with them. He values hard work and will soon complete a second IT degree and set up his own business. He has a very warm personality and wants to give back to those in need. He serves in the US Air Force reserves and considers it a very rewarding experience. Traveling and woodworking are passions. He has a great laugh and is overall a very pleasant person. He has a charming smile, is in great shape and dresses professionally. His deep brown eyes are one of his best features.