Fairfax Cryobank has a history of and reputation for offering exceptional donor sperm and related services. Part of that history has been helping individuals, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, or marital status, to achieve pregnancy and fulfill their dreams of expanding their family.
We have a knowledgeable and sensitive client services team who is fully supportive of your choice to have children. We are aware of the multitude of challenges faced by individuals and couples building families using donor sperm, eggs and/or the use of surrogates or gestational carriers. Fairfax Cryobank provides a supportive, friendly environment in which to further your journey. We welcome you to our site and hope that you find what you are seeking both in a donor and in a caring staff dedicated to helping you through this process.
Many individuals and couples are looking to preserve cultural or ethnic lineage through use of a donor with a similar background to their own. At Fairfax Cryobank we offer a diverse catalog of donors, one of which may be your perfect match.
The resource links we have chosen are for individuals like you, and we believe may be beneficial to your experience. The testimonials provide a glimpse into the experience that others have had with us. If you have suggestions for other resources, please email us at info@fairfaxcryobank.com Or if you would like to share your story, please use the link below to write us and share photos. We welcome your input.
Resource links
Family Options for Queer Couples: Article written by our Director, Dr. Michelle Ottey for TAGG Magazine (Washington, DC Metro Area)
Fairfax Family Forum: Offers a discussion forum for same sex couples. You can view or participate.
Rainbow Babies: an online resource for becoming a parent in the gay and lesbian community.
National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce: We proudly sponsored and attended the fall 2007 meeting in Washington, DC.
National Gay and Lesbian Medical Association: We attended and had our booth at the October 2008 annual meeting in Seattle, Washington.
Fertility Preservation for Trans Women: Sperm Banking
Share Your Story: We’ll keep your story private and ask if we can put your story on this page with the others below.
Testimonials of other LGBT clients:
“I have encountered the greatest experience with Fairfax Cryobank. Maria, my domestic partner, and I decided to have a child. With the help of Fairfax and their commitment to us, we now have a beautiful four year old boy named Jayden. Jayden is the most precious thing that we have brought into this world. I believe that everyone will have a beautiful experience with Fairfax considering the loyalty and services they provided for me and my partner. We once again are preparing to have another little one. Thank you, Fairfax, for your services and guidance to help those bring life to this world.” –B.M., New York
“We are two moms who chose to bring a child into this world together. We found the perfect donor through Fairfax Cryobank – he shares our values, hobbies, education, and his childhood photo looks uncannily like my childhood photo (the non-biological mom’s). We got pregnant on the first try, which is rare, and a little over nine months later, our beautiful baby boy was born (on my birthday). Our son is almost 19 months old now. For those who don’t believe in fate, we may be able to challenge you. Our experience was incredible, and thanks to one very unselfish donor and the Fairfax Cryobank, we are a family. We have three more vials in storage, hoping to give our “little king” a sibling some day. Thanks to everyone who helped make our dream a reality” –J.L. and S.L., Georgia
“My partner and I are forever grateful for the miracle that Fairfax made possible in our lives. We have an incredibly smart, witty, and extremely beautiful son. We are in the process of trying for our second, and your staff continues to be top rate!” –A.M., California
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Fairfax Cryobank has been nothing but incredibly professional. Our story began July, 2005. We searched and searched for the best sperm donor candidate possible. As two women wanting a child who looked like both of us, we were very particular about what we were searching for. We made our choice and had to make VERY early phone calls to find out if “Mr. Right” was out of quarantine. Every part of the process was smooth, we never had a worry. After one attempt at spontaneous insemination, we were pregnant. It was obviously meant to be. It was a perfect pregnancy and the result was a PERFECT baby girl, even if I do say so myself. EXACTLY what we have wanted for a long time! She is super intelligent and beautiful too. Fairfax is a class act company with excellent specimens.”–D.J., California
“I just wanted to let you know that we are very glad that we found you (Fairfax Cryobank). You have made our relationship a lot closer and we feel that we are getting closer to having one more baby. I will let you know when our dreams come true!” –J.B., New York
“My name is Christie and I am a proud mother of four beautiful children. I am in a wonderful relationship with my girlfriend, Kesha, and we are looking forward to having a new child in our lives. I ordered my sperm from your company and my donor’s “little guys” must have been very strong because they beat all odds and it worked!!!! I am due in January and we are very delighted to know that this baby is coming! God Bless you all in what you do.” –C.L.J., New York.