Donor #5440
Donor 5440 is an ID Option donor. He is a gentle soul and is always calm, polite and respectful. He is very intelligent and enjoys tutoring other students because he finds fulfillment in helping others find answers to their questions. Aside from academics, he is very musically inclined as he has played the guitar and piano for four years. Music is a huge passion of his, and he makes an effort to practice and improve. This donor is one of a kind and most certainly one of the nicest donors we have ever met. He is slim, with beautiful brown eyes which would make anyone want to give him a hug. He has silky brown wavy hair, which complements his skin tone. His smile is the sweetest, most genuine smile you’ll see and when you do see him smile you’ll know you’re in the company of a friend. He looks like actor Jaycee Chan.